Weird World
5 'Common Sense' Solutions That Make Everything Worse
Good intentions can easily go awry. And once they do, all they're good for is paving some particularly hellacious roads.
- Authors
- By David Rose
- Published
6 Insane Military Training Techniques Designed To Break You
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
6 Fictional Universes You Won't Believe Exist On Earth
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Kel Zhang, CR McNeil
- Published
19 Bizarre Habits Of Incredibly Successful People
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
23 Weird Ways Your Body Betrays Your Personality
Print this out, make a book, and stick it in your pocket so you'll never be caught with your pants down the next time you're talking to the face of an actual person.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Hilarious Ways Angry Protests Proved The Other Side Right
Whether it's from a lack of foresight, a lack of common sense, or a ridiculous cause to begin with, it doesn't take much to cause a protest to implode hilariously.
- Authors
- By Jacob Trowbridge, Blair Dodge
- Published
6 Important Works By Famous Artists Hidden In Easter Eggs
If you're a superfan who wants to see everything a particular creator has made, you're often in for a strange trip.
- Authors
- By Tara Marie
- Published
6 Badass Teachers Who Should Get Paid More Than Any CEO
Some teachers have gone above and beyond, pole vaulting into nigh-sainthood.
- Authors
- By A.C. Grimes
- Published
12 Obsessive Fan Projects That Are Clinically Berserk
Here's an appropriately huge article celebrating those who sacrificed a part of their lives to create something amazing, even if it's not terribly useful.
- Authors
- By Michael Kane, Adam Koski, XJ Selman, Ivan Farkas, Laura H, Rob Rose, Alyssa Feller
- Published
5 Horrifying Stories Of Creatures Found Alive Inside People
For some reason, most of us insist on thinking of our bodies as our own, despite the scientific truth that we are nothing but waddling colonies of tiny little monsters.
- Authors
- By Jackei Sullen
- Published
19 Fears About Modern Life (That Are Statistically B.S.)
For whatever reason -- drugs, Hollywood, old 'Playboys' -- a lot of people are under the impression that the past was way, way better than the world we live in now.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Ridiculously Hard To Solve Video Game Puzzles
Video games are often vile, hateful asses determined to drive us away in frustration.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
5 Images Of Kids Too Badass To Be Real (That Totally Are)
As a general rule, we assume that the most impressive feat humans can pull off before age 17 is texting and walking at the same time. This is, of course, completely incorrect.
- Authors
- By A.C. Grimes
- Published
8 Obvious Lies That People Believed For Waaay Too Long
You can get surprisingly far if you lie is brazen enough.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill, Timothy Brown, Kayla Layaoen
- Published
5 Famous Bible Stories With Logical Scientific Explanations
If you pause faith for a moment and look at the Bible through the cold, unfeeling monocle of science, it doesn't hold up. Right? Well, let's not be so hasty.
- Authors
- By Stian Hansen
- Published