Weird World
5 Hilariously Weird Ways People Used Religious Loopholes
As the saying goes: Every time God closes a door, he forgets to mention anything about jimmying open door locks.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 Horrifying Ways Society Repaid Good Deeds
- Authors
- By Chris Fox, S. Aslam
- Published
5 Shocking Things Nobody Tells You About Getting Tattoos
- Authors
- By Adam Wears
- Published
8 Mind-Melting Real Places That Look Like Fantasy Worlds
- Authors
- By E. J. Diaz
- Published
19 Commonly-Held Beliefs, Debunked With Statistics
It turns out facts and stats don't go together as often as you'd think.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 20 Most Awkward Moments From Your Dating Life
No wonder kids don't want to go on formal dates anymore.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
13 Famous Places With Dark Secrets In Their Past
We aren't ones to judge, but every picture you take at these monuments makes you a monster.
- Authors
- By Omar Fahmy
- Published
I Was A Child Soldier: I Grew Up With Guns And Murder
Deadly boot camps and drug addiction before the age 16 -- life a child soldier is as horrifying as you imagined.
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz
- Published
6 World-Famous Landmarks You Can Secretly Live Inside
For the right price, you could call these eccentric dwellings home.
- Authors
- By Kathy Benjamin
- Published
5 Easy Ways Airlines Could Make Flying Suck Way Less
Instead of beating and dragging passengers off of airplanes, take a page from airlines in the '70s when you want to bump people from flights.
- Authors
- By Jim Avery
- Published
8 Stories That Show Exactly How The Media Hates Millennials
If you believed media headlines, there's no logic to millennial behavior. They just want to watch the world burn. (Or maybe they don't.)
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper, David Klesh, Adam Schwallie
- Published
5 Everyday Annoyances (That Are About To Go Away Forever)
Once we solve all life's tiny problems, we're sure to get around to the big ones. Right?
- Authors
- By Saikat Bhowmik, Michael Battaglino
- Published
The 22 Most Awful Rules And Lessons From Your School Days
Just in case you need any more evidence how messed up our education system is.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
12 Ludicrously Huge Things Produced By The Natural World
C'mon, scientists, quit hogging that sweet, sweet Hyperion all to yourselves.
- Authors
- By PookieJones, Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Simple Questions That Make The Internet Destroy Itself
We're guessing there's more than a few of you who don't get invited to pizza night any more because you prefer yours with pineapple.
- Authors
- By Mike Bedard, Dan Hopper, David Klesh, James Netter, Adam Schwallie
- Published