Science & History

6 Everyday Objects You Had No Clue People Once Used As Money
If you would have told our ancestors that one day we'd be using plastic cards and paper bills to acquire our daily needs, they probably would have said, 'Why? Is violence obsolete in the future? Also, what is plastic?'
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Marina Reimann
- Published
7 Things You Have In Your Home With Insane Secret Histories
- Authors
- By Carolyn Burke
- Published
7 Of Your Dumb Fears (Science Says Are Justified)
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
7 Famous Companies Who F**ked The World And Got Away With It
- Authors
- By Nimby Smith
- Published
24 Food And Cooking Myths
Despite our obesity epidemic, we don't know everything about food, it turns out.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Supposedly Healthy Things That Are Good For (Killing) You
Some natural health trends do worse than make you insufferable at parties; they straight kill you.
- Authors
- By Alyssa Feller
- Published
28 Bits Of Wisdom Your Parents Told You (Are Pure B.S.)
Bust out the spicy food and play in all the piles of rusty nails you want.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
7 Hilariously Embarrassing Archaeological Discoveries
People have always been dumb.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
12 Seemingly-Otherworldly Ways To Mess With People’s Heads
Step one to becoming a Jedi Master.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Creepy Things That Happen To The Human Body (When You Die)
When you leave your body for good, your cadaver opens the door to an endless parade of potential indignities.
- Authors
- By Marina Reimann
- Published
6 Scary Archaeological Finds (That Should've Stayed Hidden)
We're not saying that digging around certain sites will stir up ancient curses. But, we're not saying it won't, either.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Ivan Farkas
- Published
The 11 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes No One Can Explain (Part 2)
Horror stories are great and all, but around Halloween, we like to focus on the real stuff. You know, the monsters that could in fact be outside your house right now.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder, Janel Comeau, Tara Marie
- Published
Science Fiction Vs Science Fact, Side By Side
When science starts catching up to science fiction, it might be time to pull the plug.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 11 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes No One Can Explain: Part 1
Lots of you are too old and jaded to be kept awake at night by ghost stories and implausible urban legends. No, this time of year, you need something a little more real.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder, Janel Comeau, Tara Marie
- Published
Hiroshima 'Shadows' And 4 Other Haunting Historical Remnants
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But you know what? Remembering history ain't always so great, either.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas
- Published