Science & History
5 Insane Things Hiding Just Outside Of Human Perception
The human body is so amazing that it's easy to lose track of the fact that we're still missing 99.99 percent of what's going on in the universe.
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- By Tim Parent, Matt Farmer
- Published
16 'Failures' That Deserve Real Respect
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- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 6 Most Embarrassing Historical Artifacts Ever Discovered
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- By Marina Reimann
- Published
6 Hilarious Ways Science Is Tackling Serious Issues
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- By Mark Hill
- Published
20 Uneducated Dropouts Who Changed Human History
Anyone who tells you only those with a formal education will find success should be kicked right in pants.
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- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
21 Pop Culture Icons That Were Hated At First
A lot of us crazy kids like to look at what we consider pop culture staples through rose-tinted glasses.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Dark Secrets Harbored By Your Favorite Foods
We all like to think we can add a few years to our lives by carefully choosing what we buy at the grocery store, but sometimes you'd be better off closing your eyes and throwing the first thing you find into your cart.
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- By Jim Avery
- Published
6 Reasons We're Closer To Discovering Aliens Than You Think
After telling us for decades that the prospect of finding life in other planet was a crapshoot, science is finally coming to our side.
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- By Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Ridiculous Cold War Myths You Probably Believe
The Cold War was a 40-year pissing contest in which the entire world's population kept a constant eye on the news, with a never-ending fear that one side or the other would whap their big, red Armageddon button first.
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- By Nathan Williams
- Published
6 Weird Ways Your Job Might Be Killing You
No matter what job you have, there seems to be something out to get you.
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- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Horrifying Realities Of Daily Life Edited Out Of History
You can actually make yourself feel a whole lot better about your life today merely by reminding yourself of a few key things about the past.
- Authors
- By Chris Fox
- Published
5 Insane Theories That Change How You See Great Works Of Art
We want to emphasize the word 'theories' here -- none of these have been proven, and probably never will be.
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- By Nathan Williams
- Published
18 Historical Events That We Get Wrong
It's time for some real talk. Real HISTORY talk.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Sayings Smart People Love To Debunk (Science Proved True)
Psychologists have recently specified a new official personality category called
- Authors
- By Federico Cruz
- Published
5 Tiny Things Secretly Determining Who You Have Sex With
The road to a successful relationship is so filled with surprising potholes and dangerous crevasses that it's kind of amazing the human race hasn't given up and gone extinct millennia ago.
- Authors
- By Dennis Hong
- Published