Science & History

6 Hilarious Pranks Pulled by Soldiers in the Middle of War
The horrific history of warfare is littered with wacky pranks that are alternately admirable and utterly insane.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Douglas A. McDonnell
- Published
6 Animals That Prove Nature Has a Childish Sense of Humor
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Become Instantly Smarter
- Authors
- By Paul K Pickett, Erik Carrera, David Rose
- Published
5 Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers
These hacks come with various degrees of difficulty, but no risk or potential for injury. And actual scientists say that all of them work.
- Authors
- By Agneeth Mazumdar, Jamie Flexman
- Published
20 Unfortunate Facts About Food
There are huge, impressive teams of scientists working around the clock to make new and cheaper food scented concoctions that are close enough to pass your taste test. Thankfully, our readers are happy to enlighten you with the horribly disturbing truth about what you're eating.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Famous Wars That Showed Up in the Last Place You'd Expect
Some should've told these people to get a friggin' map.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
5 Ridiculous Natural Disaster Myths You Probably Believe
Extreme weather has become a sort of boogeyman for humanity. And like any boogeyman, the urban legends and old wives' tales have completely outpaced the original threat.
- Authors
- By Jesse Clark
- Published
The 5 Shadiest Crimes Ever Pulled Off by Famous Corporations
Some of our most recognizable corporations are sitting on more machine gunnings and convoluted criminal conspiracies than you can throw at the last 30 minutes of a Die Hard movie.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
18 Things Presidents Are REALLY Spending Our Tax Money On
Three things are certain: death, taxes, and the ridiculous crap taxes buy.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Ways Statistics Are Used to Lie to You Every Day
There are some basics that everyone should know. Each of them sounds incredibly simple when it's explained, yet each of them will fool you again within days of reading this article.
- Authors
- By Nathaniel Cope, James Spedding
- Published
6 Inspiring Ways Internet Mobs Have Come to the Rescue
The Internet doesn't usually appear in the media for the most positive of reasons. But it is possible for Internet users to join together for good and not evil.
- Authors
- By Jeff Sloan
- Published
The 6 Most Baffling Science Experiments Ever Funded
Scientists are only human, and some humans are just plain crazy. Which is why, on occasion, those serious old men in their fine white coats up and throw sense straight out the window.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Rivera
- Published
5 Myths About the Revolutionary War Everyone Believes
Bloody, heroic and seasoned with all kinds of awesome, the entire eight-year period was dripping with fantastic stories and scrappy underdog moments. (Or was it?)
- Authors
- By J. Wisniewski
- Published
5 Horrific Disasters That Made Human Life Possible
Life as we know it was only able to form because the universe likes to slap us around every few billion years. It's a form of tough love.
- Authors
- By Sebastien Paquin
- Published