Movies & TV
4 Movie Twists That Slipped By Us All
Don't trust the narrator. Ever.
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers
- Published
7 Famous Horror Movies You Didn’t Know Got Hilarious Sequels
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
22 Famous Franchises' Low Points
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
4 Walking Dead Comic Book Scenes The Show Had To Tone Down
The show's most disturbing scenes don't so much as hold a candle to the searing genitals of the comic book.
- Authors
- By Stephan Roget
- Published
6 Classic Shows (That Went Insane For One Episode)
We may be in the Golden Age of television, but it took a long time for society to recognize it as a worthy form of art.
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- By JM McNab
- Published
6 Reality Shows That Aren't Just Fake, They're Outright Evil
Some reality shows aren't above misleading contestants and the audience, completely sabotaging outcomes, or just willfully causing people to suffer.
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- By Wes Corwin, Markos Hasiotis
- Published
7 Really Specific Bad Movie Ideas Hollywood Keeps Repeating
Movie studios' habit of making very similar movies is about to tip from zeitgeist awareness into creepy-twins territory.
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- By Carolyn Burke
- Published
7 Reasons Movies Based On A True Story Rarely Are
There's one little thing preventing biopics from being good, and by 'one little thing' we mean several giant problems.
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- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
4 Films With 'Happy' Endings (Until You Think About Them)
Hollywood endings seem to end happily, but only because the cameras cut away right before the whole cast was devoured by the Old Ones.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Chris Berglund, Aatif Zubair
- Published
6 Beloved Movies You Had No Clue Got Remade Overseas
Some of these foreign films have so little to do with the originals that it feels like the makers didn't even bother to see the thing they were supposed to be copying.
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- By Mark Hill
- Published
The Power Rangers Episode That Traumatized A Generation
When you think of Power Rangers, you think of over-the-top action, giant robots, and child murder. Wait what?
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- By Masquerblade
- Published
22 Special Effects, Revealed
It's nice to know filmmakers still give half a damn.
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- By AM Smiley
- Published
6 Ridiculous Things Implied By Plot Twists In Famous Movies
Every movie with a plot twist is full of hilariously awkward unseen setups.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
4 Times Movies And TV Got Very Serious Issues Very Wrong
Even the most socially ambitious show or movie still needs to be entertaining, and that leads to some mixed messages.
- Authors
- By Stephan Roget
- Published