Movies & TV

The 7 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Movies of the Decade
Here now are unintentionally hilarious movies -- movies that missed the mark so widely all you can do is cackle through confused tears of joy, delighted by the raw, stupid chaos of the void.
- Authors
- By RiffTrax
- Published
6 Crucial Movie Scenes That Never Made It Out of the Script
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
5 Celebrity Instructional Videos They'd Like You to Forget
- Authors
- By Robin Warder
- Published
6 Movie Heroes Saved by Gaping Plot Holes
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Douglas A. McDonnell
- Published
5 Inexplicably Creepy Episodes of Family Friendly TV Shows
Sometimes, the makers of these cartoons or sitcoms flip out and decide to create something nightmarish in an apparent 'screw you' to the audience. But what's surprising is that these episodes then get greenlit and air on national television.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
5 Villains Who Went Out of Their Way to Screw Their Own Plan
If you're the type of person who enjoys picking apart movies, by far the easiest (and most amusing) starting point is to simply rewatch the movie from the villain's perspective. What does the villain actually want? Does the way he's going about it make sense at all? The answers are usually ridiculous.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder
- Published
The 6 Most Important Sci-Fi Ideas (Were Invented by a Hack)
Many fundamental elements of science fiction as we know it can be tracked back to a cheap knockoff of the classic, 'War of the Worlds.'
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz
- Published
5 Movies Made Possible by Characters Who Suck at Their Job
If you're reading this at work right now instead of finishing that report, keep in mind that you might very well be setting off the plot of movies like these.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell, Daniel Crow, Dennis Fulton
- Published
6 Movies That Predicted Disasters With Eerie Accuracy
If you're one of these creators, you have to hate that your lighthearted entertainment now just winds up reminding people of something awful. Especially when websites like this one keep bringing them up.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder
- Published
5 Heroic Movie Deaths That Didn't Actually Help Anyone
There's no easier way to make a movie character likeable than by having him heroically sacrifice his own life. Of course, sometimes 'heroically' means 'stupidly.'
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell, Rohan Ramakrishnan
- Published
6 Movies With Political Agendas You Didn't Notice
If your movie is about, say, giant robots or ghost police, that's probably not the time to try to cram in some message about how we should vote next November.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
5 Great Movie Scenes Made Possible by Reckless Endangerment
Yes, even in the age of computer effects and entire sequences shot in front of a green screen with tennis balls, there is still no substitute for gross neglect of human safety.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski
- Published
6 Pieces of Fan Art That Are Better Than the Original
Sometimes the companies or creators will actually address their fans and say, 'You think you could do better than us?' And sometimes the fans will answer back, 'Um, actually, yeah.'
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
The 5 Most Ridiculous Pop Culture Predictions That Came True
We're not accusing anyone of witchcraft -- all we're doing is presenting the evidence ... that these people may be witches.
- Authors
- By Erik Germ
- Published
6 Terrible Decisions That Gave Us Great Movie Moments
Apparently, Hollywood makes stuff up on the fly all the time. Here are some examples of memorable scenes (or even entire movies) that only happened because something went wrong.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published