Movies & TV
5 Movie Plots That No Longer Make Sense Post-Trump
It's surreal that stories that used to seem outlandish will now look quaint and chaste in the face of cold, hard, insane reality.
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- By Mark Hill
- Published
6 Terrifying Ways Films Used To Achieve Special Effects
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- By E.M. Caris, 3C Robles-Jackson
- Published
5 Last Second Changes That Saved Classic Movies From Sucking
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- By Jordan Breeding, Luke Miller
- Published
Famous Movie Scenes That Got Changed Years Later
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
21 Movie Scenes That Nobody Would Survive
Time for our favorite pastime around here: ruining your favorite movies.
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- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
8 Family Movies That Were Horror Films Behind The Scenes
These movies suddenly went from 'whimsical backstage tomfoolery' to 'mescaline nightmare.'
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
4 Movie Inventions That Should've Instantly Saved The World
It's like the screenwriters missed some game-changing aspects of their own premise.
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- By Nick J., Michael Dawson , Tara Marie
- Published
7 Tales Of Madness From Behind The Scenes At The Oscars
The Academy Awards deserve their own movie, that will likely never, ever get nominated for an award.
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- By Mark Hill
- Published
4 Reasons The Razzies Suck (And Should Be Abolished Forever)
The Razzies would be great if it weren't such a ramshackle operation run by a bunch of lazy trolls who are guilty of all the same smug self-importance they claim to be lampooning.
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- By Carolyn Burke
- Published
26 Ways Hollywood Is Still Messing Up The Diversity Thing
If your cast is about as diverse as Indiana, then you're doing it wrong.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Horrifying Realities Of Living In A Sitcom Universe
The whole point of sitcoms is that they're harmless. Or least that's how sitcoms look from our end.
- Authors
- By Jordan Breeding
- Published
22 Important Lessons That Movie Characters Clearly Missed
You don't have to be dumb, movie characters.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
15 Times Characters Missed The Point Their Shows Were Making
It's like the writers forgot what the moral of their own story was halfway through the story.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Real Innocent People Famous Movies Made Look Horrible
From famous people to random dudes, no one is safe from being turned into a jerk by Hollywood long after their death.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published