Dustin Koski
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5 Reasons It's A Miracle That 'Star Wars' Got Made At All
This, friends, is the inspirational tale of an objectively terrible idea that only got worse ... until the finished product changed the world.
- Authors
- By Steve Clark, Maxwell Yezpitelok, Dustin Koski, Jim Doughty
- Published
5 Hilariously Awkward Hidden Meltdowns
It turns out we have more director and actor meltdowns on tape than we realized.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, Michael Taylor
- Published
5 Classic Movies Made By People Who Wanted Them To Bomb
Can a movie succeed if the very people behind it are doing everything in their power to make sure that it fails? (Hint: Yes.)
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, Evan V. Symon , Soon Van, Ryan Menezes
- Published
5 Movie-Worthy Lines Said by Real Soldiers Facing Death
Some people need badass lines written for them. Others just have them come naturally.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Dustin Koski
- Published
5 Improved Versions of Classic Games That Fans Made for Free
These fan-improved versions of classic games are almost all entirely free, available to you right now.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Dustin Koski, Richard H. Schurz
- Published
6 Books That Destroy Your Image of the People Who Wrote Them
Your favorite authors write the darndest things sometimes.
- Authors
- By Richie Ryan, Dustin Koski, Evan V. Symon
- Published
The 5 Most Incredibly Badass Acts of Nonviolence
Blessed are the peacemakers, right?
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, Sam Jackson
- Published
5 Unintentionally Hilarious Live-Action Video Games
There was a silver lining to the video game industry's failing attempt to emulate Hollywood -- FMV games were a gold mine of unintentional comedy.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Dustin Koski
- Published
8 Ordinary Things That Look Insanely Cool Under a Microscope
A really powerful microscope is the sort of thing nobody would buy for entertainment, yet we can't shake the feeling that if we had one, we'd use it all the time.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, Evan V. Symon , Kier Harris
- Published
The 7 Most Half-Assed Monsters in Movie History
A great movie monster taps into our most primal fears, a terrible one taps into equal parts hilarity and sadness.
- Authors
- By Cole Gamble, Dustin Koski
- Published
6 Classic Movies Made Possible by Reckless Endangerment
Sometimes directors decide that the only way to make sure your actors look like they're about to die is by actually risking their lives.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski
- Published
6 Unintentionally Hilarious Glitches Hidden in Video Games
A good glitch can transfer you from boring, gritty realism into a magical world full of the most physics-defying, madness inducing randomness this side of a mushroom trip at the bottom of a ball-pit.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, Sever R.
- Published
4 Insane Pieces of 'My Little Pony' Fan Art (By Grown Men)
We've collected some of the bronies' more bafflingly insane fan creations, which we feel are enough to qualify as red flags on any background check.
- Authors
- By Eric A., Dustin Koski
- Published
The 6 Most Aggressively Badass Things Done by Pacifists
There's a special kind of badass out there: The kind that overcomes horrific violence with nothing but willpower, skill, bravery, and (to be totally fair) a somewhat stupid disregard for personal safety.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent, Dustin Koski
- Published
The 6 Most Embarrassing War Stories of All Time
Here are a few instances of people stepping onstage in the military theater and splitting their pants in front of everyone.
- Authors
- By Richy Craven, Xavier Jackson, Dustin Koski
- Published
5 Absurdly Fatal Injuries You Won't Believe People Survived
Death is called the great equalizer for a reason -- the rules are the same for everyone. Well, almost everyone.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Dustin Koski
- Published
The 6 Most Certifiably Insane Acts of Writing
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. Like, really crazy.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio, Dustin Koski, Ben Denny, Sampsa Nuotio
- Published
5 Old Children's Cartoons Way Darker Than Most Horror Movies
As it turns out, some of the most nightmarish cartoons predate even your grandparents/
- Authors
- By Vincent Pall, Dustin Koski, Jim Ciscell
- Published
6 Saints With Superpowers Straight from the Marvel Universe
If your only knowledge of Christian saints is that certain holidays and cities are named after them, hang on to your asses.
- Authors
- By Richy Craven, Dustin Koski, Dagmar Baer
- Published
9 Normal Things That Look Trippy Under a Microscope
The world is full of magic, it's just that a lot of it isn't visible without special tools. Fortunately, microscopes exist.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, Evan V. Symon , Kier Harris
- Published