Weird World
Why Humanity Can't Get Past The 7 Deadly Sins
A gameplan for fighting your moral infirmity with more moral infirmity.
- Authors
- By Daniel O'Brien, Mark M., Ashley Neal
- Published
The 15 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Bootleg Toys
- Authors
- By Cole Gamble
- Published
CRACKED ROUND-UP: Food Poisoning Edition
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
Too Stupid for Satire: How The Media Branded Me as a Racist
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
How to Combine Two Wrongs to Make a Profit [COMIC]
Synergy is more commonly known as an energy drink from Holland.
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
The 7 Most Stupidly Overpowered Hunting Weapons
Hunting: It is an age-old dance. It is a sacred covenant between the predator and the prey ... and the guy bristling with a half-dozen giant cannons and sporting only the most advanced cloaking technology.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Danny Vittore
- Published
6 Beloved Organizations (Started For Terrifying Reasons)
It's remarkable how some of these groups have changed with the times to become pillars of the community, despite some ugliness in their origin stories.
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison
- Published
Treating Waiters Like Human Beings: A Chart for Beginners
Anyone who's spent time as a waiter or waitress knows that you quickly come to view anyone with an open menu in front of their face as the enemy. For the rest of you lucky folks, some advice:
- Authors
- By Corey Vaspasiano
- Published
How to Dream Of What Might Have Been [COMIC]
You've got to be realistic. When it's someone else's fantasy ...
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
5 Myths About the Military You Believe (Thanks to Movies)
All of your information about the military from movies. But even accounting for what you already assumed was Hollywood bullshit (obviously war is not a non-stop action explosion festival), most people still have a grossly skewed idea about what life in the military is like.
- Authors
- By Steven Hiller
- Published
The 7 Most Baffling Things Ever Discovered in a Human Body Producing your nightmares since 1958.
- Authors
- By Shelby Fero
- Published
5 Ways Hi-Tech Retailers Are Secretly Screwing You
There are a million little ways retailers can screw you on what you buy. But maybe nowhere is this more common than in the world of high-tech gadgets.
- Authors
- By Travis Harder
- Published