Weird World

6 Subtle Ways You're Getting Screwed at the Grocery Store
While we'd like to think the free market is all about selling good quality at a good price, the difference between profit and bankruptcy can in fact lie in the seller's ability to screw you an ounce or a nickel at a time.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Karl Smallwood
- Published
6 Reasons Kittens Suck (Learned While Raising Them)
- Authors
- By Christina H
- Published
How to Take 15 Minutes to Make One Simple Decision [COMIC]
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
5 Complaints About Modern Life (That Are Statistically B.S.)
- Authors
- By Mark M., M. Asher Cantrell
- Published
5 Sidekicks Who Got Screwed By History
Here are some real-life sidekicks who, for one reason or another, got shafted by history.
- Authors
- By CK Fernando
- Published
Why It's Time to Stop Wearing Mittens: A Manifesto
Mittens have all the functionality of five fingered gloves, save for the functionality part.
- Authors
- By Dillon McLaughlin
- Published
6 Cats More Badass Than You (And Most Superheroes)
The Internet, and the world at large, has become completely fascinated with cats. In true Cracked fashion, we bring you the ones that are actually worth more than the shit in their litter boxes.
- Authors
- By Jim Avery
- Published
5 Styles That Defined Entire Eras (Were Made Up by Movies)
American history is dominated by groups who look exactly like what you think they do, but only because they totally ripped off their styles from fictional movies.
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz
- Published
The 8 Most Awkward Sexual Moments in Comic Book History
Comic books have been known to do some crazy things to keep readers interested. Sometimes what they do works, and sometimes it just makes us feel like putting the comic book facedown, leaving the room and taking a shower.
- Authors
- By Diana McCallum
- Published
6 Douchebag Luxury Goods Originally Invented to Help People
If, like most of us, you find yourself secretly hating rich people now and then, it's probably because of the stupid and frivolous junk they buy. A whole segment of our economy is dedicated to making ridiculous crap for these shallow jerks. But a whole lot of lives have been saved by that ridiculous stuff.
- Authors
- By Philip Moon
- Published
How to Tell If She's Into You Or High On Cough Syrup [COMIC]
Beyond rifling through her purse while smellinng her breath.
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published