Jonathan Wojcik
I run bogleech.com, where you can read many more articles, comics and other creepy things I've made.
I also draw monsters and collect Halloween decorations.
I only eat Reese's peanut butter cups.
I have an inordinate fondness for insects. When they subjugate mankind I'll be first to defect and accept the brood mother's mind-jelly.
Any Franchise Left To Its Own Devices Will Go Off The Rails
Every piece of pop culture from the past few decades is, for better or worse, constantly getting a reboot. (Most for worse.)
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik, Adam Koski, Chris Sutcliffe
- Published
5 Evil Species Of Flies You Don't (Want To) Know Exist
Maybe be a little wary the next time you go to swat a fly.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
6 Horrifying Dark Sides of Creatures You Think Are Adorable
It's always the pretty ones who hurt you the most.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
4 Reasons Pokemon Is the Scariest Alien Invasion Story Ever
When we consider the evidence, Pokemon seems awfully similar to 'The Thing.'
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
5 Famous Monsters That Are Way Scarier in Other Countries
At least our monsters left some wiggle room in the 'chances of getting to sleep later' department. That's more than we can say for these terrifying foreign versions of famous monsters.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
8 Ridiculous Animal Myths You Probably Believe
When it comes to myths about our neighbors in the animal kingdom, people tend to buy into even the most far-fetched ideas with nary a second thought.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik, J.C Breen, Nathan R. Carlsen, Kristina Dillon
- Published
6 Insect Predators That Go Out of Their Way to Be Evil
You might think of insects as gross or scary, but you probably don't think of them as evil. But, upon closer inspection, we actually think they are.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
The 7 Sleaziest Mating Rituals in the Animal Kingdom
Mating among animals and insects is no less complicated than it is among humans. It's all about being devious, and when it comes to sex, even the lowest of life forms have mastered the art of trickery, deceit and blackmail.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
7 Mind-Blowing Vehicles Built and Driven by Animals
We've already pointed out that animals are capable of building pretty impressive cities, but at least they're not driving around the streets in little beaver sedans and amassing armies of spider war-jets, right? Horribly, we're not too far from that reality, either.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
The 8 Most Terrifying Diets in the Animal Kingdom
Animals eat insects, and their own poop, and their own children. So what in the hell could qualify as a weird diet in the animal kingdom? Trust us, it gets weirder.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
The 7 Most Ridiculous Ghost Stories from Around the World
There are some ghost stories that just leave you absolutely baffled.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
The 9 Most Mind-blowing Disguises in the Animal Kingdom
These disguises are so weird and utterly convincing, you won't you're looking at real animals until they're right behind you.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik, Colin Murdock
- Published
The 6 Most Unlikely Partners in the Animal Kingdom
If you thought interspecies friendships were limited to Disney movies and the Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theater, you'd be wrong.
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison, Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
And You Thought Fast Zombies Were The Worst Kind... [COMIC]
Well that pretty much shoots my zombie contingency plan to hell.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
When Cartoon Cliches Go Horribly Wrong
This sort of thing apparently happens all the time.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
7 Horrific Boogeymen Used to Scare Kids Around The World
Parents have been inventing stories about monsters to scare their children into obedience for centuries. Some cultures, however, took this idea a bit too far and invented creatures that a grown man would struggle not to shit his pants at the thought of.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
Most Depressing Superhero Ever
The one signal you want to see even less than the bat signal.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
7 Vampires Around the World Worse Than The Ones In Twilight
It seems like every culture on Earth has some version of the vampire. And, believe it or not, they're all worse than the sparkling kind.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
Nature's 6 Most Diabolical Predators
Nature is the world's greatest supervillain, and her cruelty is only outweighed by her deviousness. Sure, none of the diabolical predators below will hurt you personally - that we know of - but just imagine what some of the poor victims go through when these crazy-ass organic ninjas strike.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published