
Jonathan Wojcik

I run bogleech.com, where you can read many more articles, comics and other creepy things I've made.

I also draw monsters and collect Halloween decorations.

I only eat Reese's peanut butter cups.

I have an inordinate fondness for insects. When they subjugate mankind I'll be first to defect and accept the brood mother's mind-jelly.

7 Mind-Blowing Vehicles Built and Driven by Animals

We've already pointed out that animals are capable of building pretty impressive cities, but at least they're not driving around the streets in little beaver sedans and amassing armies of spider war-jets, right? Horribly, we're not too far from that reality, either.


7 Horrific Boogeymen Used to Scare Kids Around The World

Parents have been inventing stories about monsters to scare their children into obedience for centuries. Some cultures, however, took this idea a bit too far and invented creatures that a grown man would struggle not to shit his pants at the thought of.


Nature's 6 Most Diabolical Predators

Nature is the world's greatest supervillain, and her cruelty is only outweighed by her deviousness. Sure, none of the diabolical predators below will hurt you personally - that we know of - but just imagine what some of the poor victims go through when these crazy-ass organic ninjas strike.

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