Weird World

The 5 Craziest Soldiers of Fortune To Ever Cash a Paycheck
It takes a certain breed of person to be a mercenary. And that breed is batshit insane.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 Things They Say Hurt Careers (That Statistics Say Help)
- Authors
- By Mike Cooney
- Published
6 Reasons We're In Another 'Book-Burning' Period in History
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 B.S. Myths You Probably Believe About America's 'Enemies'
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
The 5 Most Epic Battles of Will That Would Not End
Let's take a moment to salute the athletes, politicians and warriors who kept up a fight long after a reasonable person would have said, 'Fine, you win.'
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Paul K Pickett
- Published
6 Prison Jobs That Are Probably Better Than Yours
Fortunately, there are several ways to spin a prison term to a potential employer. Depending on the nature of the crime and which jurisdiction it was committed in, you can wind up with a job that, to be frank, is probably cooler than the one you have now.
- Authors
- By Benjamin Buso
- Published
6 Places That Are Shockingly Easy to Break Into
It turns out that the only thing keeping most of these places safe is that not a lot of people actually try to get in.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
5 People Who Screwed Things Up for Everybody
Things didn't have to be as messed up as they are now, and it only takes a few assholes to ruin life for the rest of us.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans
- Published
The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Things Ever Caught by Fishermen
If you're fishing in the right place, the other end of your line might as well be in deep space for all we know about the bottom of the ocean. Of course, what you drag up is usually in the realm of what you were expecting. Other times, it seems like it's straight out of Hollywood.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
The 6 Most WTF Special Edition Comics Ever Released
It doesn't matter that this stuff is missing insignificant things like a plot, logic or even entertainment value, someone's buying these things, because the comic book industry just keeps on making them.
- Authors
- By Diana McCallum
- Published
5 Common Crime Fighting Tactics (Statistics Say Don't Work)
Sure, we've come a long way since the days of hanging warty women for consorting with the devil, but that doesn't mean our justice system has made it all the way out of the dark ages.
- Authors
- By Lillian Marx
- Published
6 Parodies That Succeeded Because Nobody Got the Joke
Parody and real life have essentially blended together and this is the result.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published