Weird World
27 Childhood Toys That Are Now Terrifying
Obviously in our formative years, these toys look badass. And while we understand that hindsight is 20/20, come on -- these things should've never graced our sticky little hands.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Reasons to Be Less Worried About Robots Taking Over
- Authors
- By Tina Saucedo
- Published
The 50 Most Awesome Things Ever Done by Americans
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers
- Published
The 6 Stupidest Designs Ever Used on Enormous Projects
- Authors
- By Tristan Cooper
- Published
7 Awesome Buildings That Look Like They're Designed by Kids
It turns out plenty of professional folks are 12-year-olds magically trapped in grown-up bodies.
- Authors
- By Kel Zhang
- Published
5 Shockingly Childish Abuses of Power by Hospital Employees
Hospitals kind of need to keep things professional, since a tiny mistake can mean death and a massive malpractice suit. Of course, not everyone got the memo.
- Authors
- By Simon Bower , A.C. Grimes
- Published
5 Bizarre Subcultures Way Crazier Than Anything from Japan
These baffling cliques seem to be based on a peyote vision or some terrible mistranslation in the Bible.
- Authors
- By Antonio Arrieta, JM McNab
- Published
5 New Methods for Losing Weight You Won't Believe Are Legal
These all sound like bizarre torture methods you'd find in a sci-fi flick.
- Authors
- By Doron S.
- Published
5 Huge Monster Versions of the World's Most Annoying Things
It's easy to lose perspective and forget that other people have it so, so much worse than us.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez
- Published
5 Animals That Can Do Amazing Things (With Their Butts)
Some animals shape the world around them using nothing but their asses, because life is occasionally just as wonderful as we always knew it was meant to be.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
5 Famous Works That Were Just Half-Assed Copyright Abuses
Sometimes suck is a byproduct of honest effort gone bad, and sometimes suck is a direct result of cynical copyright shenanigans.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Hilarious Jobs People Had to Do Before Modern Technology
Sure, some obscure part of your brain might remember that distant and fantastical time when humans once sewed garments and assembled cars, but you probably had no idea about these gigs.
- Authors
- By Alexander Pan
- Published
5 Things Movies Always Get Wrong About Space
Thanks to Hollywood magic, we've at least got a pretty good idea of what it's like in space. Right?
- Authors
- By Fernando Ramirez, Tim Howell
- Published
6 Works of Propaganda That Backfired in Hilarious Ways
Political propaganda, much like a late-night infomercial, is supposed to make you let someone else screw you over. Sometimes, however, propaganda ends up convincing everyone that the people in positions of power are as dumb as, if not dumber than, everyone else.
- Authors
- By Pat Carnell
- Published
6 Shockingly Evil Abuses of Power by School Officials
While you may get some lazy or incompetent faculty, you don't expect these people to be running toddler fight clubs in the basement. And yet ...
- Authors
- By A.C. Grimes
- Published