CRACKED ROUND-UP: Budget Shortage Edition

Well folks, Cracked's annual budget has come up short. In order to shore up additional funds, we've decided to start selling autographed photos of our columnists. We'd like to make it perfectly clear that these pictures absolutely are not heroin.
One kg of "photos" will cost just $1500, with a $250 price break at four kg. Again, we feel that we must point out that we are not selling heroin here. Make all checks payable to
Our week's comedic genesis started with Soren dissecting baffling search engine entries. Next, Cody put up some SyFy original movie pitches for any budding screen-writers in the audience to take a shot at. Bucholz gave anyone fed up with their shitty job ideas for how to quit. Seanbaby created the world's first honest tobacco ads while Robert Brockway hawked a loogie on the sanctity of marriage. Gladstone gave us Cracked's official stance on the Ground Zero Mosque debate. SPOILER: It is retarded.
![]() Much has changed across the march of years, but mankind has always been really damn good at murder. |
Notable Comment:
"I want to see what the Chinese and the Greeks could invent if they teamed up with each other."
For one thing, orera, whole new ways to sodomize young boys.
![]() Half of our Photo Research department committed suicide while working on this one. Sometimes you have to sacrifice interns for art. |
Notable Comment: Honestly folks, we apologize for this one. Please stop vomiting and move on to one of our less terrifying articles.
![]() In twenty years, we're all going to look back on this national zombie obsession and laugh. Or moan and lurch forward in search of brains. Whatever's clever. |
Notable Comment:"Killjoy. "
You are a sick, terrifying person peterc17.
![]() See, this is why any self-respecting immortal would keep a secret stash of heroin on Mars. Unending obsolescence would suck. A near eternal opium trip though... |
Notable Comment:
"This might sound weird, but I am completely alright with numbers one and two. In fact, the mix of time acceleration and floating through space seems to be a pretty decent form for space travel. Anyone else agree?"
Operator42, we're as big astronomy nerds as anyone else here, but we think you're forgetting the fact that most of space is fucking empty.
![]() Sorry, younger siblings of the world. |
Notable Comment:
"My older brother is *not* going to outlive me."
Doppelheathen, any self-respecting brother would take this as a queue hire the best assassins $4 and a half-bottle of vodka can buy.
![]() A Cautionary Tale.
![]() We're practically giving money away! Wait, not practically. Totally. We're totally giving away money to people, people with mediocre to decent Photoshop skills. People like you. Wouldn't you like to be a person like you? This week, you can be by entering our latest contest, Famous Images Ruined By Photobombers
Transfather - Coming this fall to ABC, the story of a lifelong bachelor Autobot who adopts two inner city children.
by RodneyHardman
Editor's pick:
We never saw the bullies again after that day.
by Julius_Goat
"So then I told the emperor, 'It's a pretty good wall, but I wouldn't call it GREAT.' Next thing I know, BAM."
by Julius_Goat
Editor's pick:
Popped collars, circa 1880
by bcanders
No, I said meet me in the park to BUY CRACK.
by Versus
Editor's pick:
If that's what the birds over here shit, I'm wearing armor.
by Exiasprip
Prophecies rarely mention the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse: Disappointment.
by Bator
Editor's pick:
If you can see my spine the bitch fell off.
by Mr.Excalibur
He blew the house down...
by tlrasmus
Editor's pick:
Somewhere else, there's a tuba player licking his balls.
by Exiasprip
"I can't drive stick."
by Exiasprip
Editor's pick:
I don't advise using the cigarette lighter.
by yungblud21
This is Onstar, you seem to be fucked. Have a nice day
by yungblud21
Editor's pick:
I think we can all agree the wall was clearly in the wrong here
by bcanders