Cracked Round-Up: Recession Edition?

Wait, have we already done a Recession Edition, yet? We fired the guy that kept track of that stuff a couple of weeks ago. Just pretend we said something witty.
We rang in Sunday with an article by Brockway about confusing moments in karate. Bucholz staggered in drunk on Tuesday and handed in a story about Mario hallucinations. Then, shockingly, Brockway came in again on Wednesday and discussed healthcare. On Thursday, Seanbaby entered the mix and talked about sex books that somehow weren't pornography. Dan O'Brien finished things off on Friday by violating the memory of a great comic.
![]() Maybe those crazy old hippies growing tomatoes by the side of the road were right. Ah, fuck it. Fake cheese tastes too good.
Notable Comment: "I worked at a movie theater for about a year and a half...we had "Golden-flavored Popcorn Topping". I used to know all the ingredients, but they included soybean oil, and SILICONE. No, I do not jest. The primary ingredient in fake boobs is also in your "butter". This stuff stained my work shirts so bad that not even bleach treatments could get the sickly yellow color out. "
That's all well and good, Cyrus_the_Vyrus, but what we really want to know is how your tits are doing.
![]() You know what, there just isn't enough intolerance and hatred in the world today. Let's find some way to pass that shit on down to our children!
Wow, BIGMIKE, you've completely encapsulated our entire political ethos.
![]() Fuck our tendons, we want super-strength!
Notable Comment: "I use echolocation at night when I go to have a pee and don't want to shock my eyes by turning on the light... the sound of the pee hitting the toilet water lets me know it's in the right place... the absence of that sound tells me to redirect pretty quick. "
We're going out on a limb here and guessing that thejimshelley's house smells terrible.
![]() This is why we need to round-up every living creature that isn't actively adorable and shoot them all in the face with napalm. Yes, that seems like a reasoned and measured response to being mildly creeped out.
Notable Comment:"Thank you Cracked, for making me scared of spiders all over again. Therapy was really going well too. "
Don't worry, ninjaclown, will give you all the therapy* your broken mind needs. *Therapy is a synonym for 'wrenching bowel pain' right?
![]() Today, we're much more evolved. We don't need to rely on penis-tying, castration, or chastity belts...we've got World of Warcraft.
Notable Comment:col_p says; "Castration; the only 100% cure for baldness (stops it from happening, rather than making hair grow back). "
We're not sure if this is true or not, but we sure hope it is.
![]() Take that Fox News.
![]() We're practically giving money away! Wait, not practically. Totally. We're totally giving away money to people, people with mediocre to decent Photoshop skills. People like you. Wouldn't you like to be a person like you? This week, you can be by entering our latest contest, If Video Games Were Realistic.
Warning- hanging w/ frat boys may cause rectal bleeding.
by mephitic
Editor's pick:
You know, it isn't right when the one dressed as a duck is the manliest guy in the group.
by CavalierX
That's actually just one Flash trying out several different pick-up approaches at once.
by ChaseMitchell
Editor's pick:
This isn't what I meant by flash mob.
by Ryder11
By the power of Gayskull
by seannyb
Editor's pick:
Fisher Price's My First Sex Offender
by -ED-209
He's still a lot better than Nickleback.
by Brett-Butler
Editor's pick:
you should see him with the piano
by 8.06.09:
"Did you hear that lobster tell that b***h off?" "Yeah, what a badass."
by bubsfoster
Editor's pick:
Apparently there is something more interesting going on than the grown men dressed as squirrels.
by RulerOfAll
It's pretty clear what PacMan thinks of Minesweeper.
Editor's pick:
This must be what the Mayans were talking about
by porpoise-song
They may look swedish but I'm sure they were made in China
by DunstinChecksOut
Editor's pick:
Dignity: Some assembly required*
by slushiaddict