
Michael Swaim

I write here sometimes. Also make videos. I also do that one (the videos one) at my own site, Those Aren't Muskets! (www.thosearentmuskets.com). I also do a lot of other stuff, but it's not as directly applicable to the Internet, and I feel like that's what you're probably most interested in. I often shave.

The Ultimate Argument For Legalizing Weeeeeeed

It just makes sense. That’s why I’m throwing my full support behind Assemblyman Ammiano, and in fact, to honor his brave act, I’m going to take ten massive bong rips before continuing to write this.


Letterman's 9 Most Hilariously Awkward Moments

If Letterman thinks the guest isn\'t worth his time (which he lets you know within the first thirty seconds), you\'d be well advised to set the Tivo and microwave a bowl of popcorn, because shit is about to get hilariously awkward.

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