40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Our Mommies Slapped Out of Our Hands Because We Kept Putting Them in Our Mouths
Disney is very literally running a false flag operation

Step right up, read all about Salvador Dali’s immortal mustache.
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Beauty and the Beast

More: 5 Deleted Scenes That Would've Made Movies 10 Times Darker
Michael Bay

Fifty Shades of Gray

Super Smash Bros.

Shark Tank

Source: Variety
Peter Pan

Billy Crystal

Field of Dreams

Jim Halpert

Tina Turner


Fallout 3

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Girl Next Door

Sources: The Keystone Newspaper, The List/YouTube
Rob Lowe


Source: MTV

Source: Avatar Spirits (via YouTube)
The Royal Tenenbaums

Ren & Stimpy

Bob Saget

Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Avengers: Infinity War


Napoleon Dynamite

Star Trek

The Three Female Roles

Chuck Bass

The Sims 4

New York, New York

Source: The New York Times
Gwyneth Paltrow

Salvador Dali

Source: NPR
Tom Riddle

Top Gun

2001: A Space Odyssey

Kelly Clarkson

Dr. Dre

Bill Murray

The Royal Family

Disney Parks