19 Celebrities Who Are Huge Fans Of Surprising Stuff

The heart wants what the heart wants.
19 Celebrities Who Are Huge Fans Of Surprising Stuff

Celebrities aren't as "just like us" as they claim to be, but we do have one thing in common -- we're all fans of something or other. And in the case of some celebrities, they're fans of something so refreshingly surprising that it casts them in an entirely new light.

We dug into some celebrity hobbies and found out what the folks other people stan are stanning. Here's what we found:

Johnny Depp has a room full of fancy Barbie dolls. 3 He reportedly uses them to test new voices. He originally collected them for his daughter, and wh
Source: CTV

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart was a soccer phenom, in college. If he hadn't broken his knee, he would have gone pro. Stewart's old team at the College of William & Mary
Source: Moment
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