Weird World
15 Reasons Why Young People Today Have It Tougher Than Ever
OK, so maybe all that whining has some merit.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 People Who Prove Sometimes You Really Should Give Up
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- By Carolyn Burke
- Published
17 Disturbing Facts About Food We'd Bet Anything You Didn't Know
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Scientific Explanations For Famous Bible 'Miracles'
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- By Eamon Lahiri
- Published
24 Ding-Dong Promotional 'Strategies'
Airlines aren't very good at this whole 'business' thing.
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- By AM Smiley
- Published
6 Cities That Are Supervillain Utopias
Agadez, Niger is a city that runs on trafficking human beings, and business is booming.
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- By Adam Wears
- Published
5 Mysteries About Space That Might Have Horrifying Answers
Solar flares won't destroy us, just our internet. So, scratch that, solar flares will destroy us.
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- By Lisa Olsen
- Published
5 Silly Ideas That Actually Solved Serious Problems
Using arm wrestling to dictate the terms of a business agreement is simultaneously one of the most badass and most poorly conceived legal agreements in history.
- Authors
- By J. Olasz
- Published
6 Insane Ways Adults Have Tried To Ruin Children's Stuff
This is how you get people on Twitter asking to be fisted by Tony the Tiger.
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- By Jim Avery
- Published
Famous Brands You Won't Believe Have Insane Secret Divisions
Some famous companies out there that took a leap into a wildly different industry ... and shattered both ankles once they slammed into the cold, hard ground of reality.
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- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
Accidental Game Glitches Funnier Than Most Intentional Jokes
Warning: There's a lot of peeing in this article.
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- By Raoni Lacerda
- Published
Caught People Who Couldn't Stop Digging Themselves Deeper
Calling someone a bad liar is actually a pretty nice compliment -- and we're about to compliment the shout out of some folks.
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- By Calvin Riedy
- Published
Everyday Cultural Stuff You Assume Is Universal (That Isn't)
It turns out that lots of everyday things you assumed were hardwired into humanity are in fact vastly different once you cross a border.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Awesome Things That'll Be Gone Forever By, Like, Soon
When was the last time you saw a crystal meth addict shouting at a half-scared, half-pissed-off animal?
- Authors
- By Nathan Williams
- Published