Science & History
9 Normal Things That Look Trippy Under a Microscope
The world is full of magic, it's just that a lot of it isn't visible without special tools. Fortunately, microscopes exist.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, Evan V. Symon , Kier Harris
- Published
5 Scientific Reasons You're Better Off Being Unattractive
- Authors
- By XJ Selman
- Published
11 Everyday Things That Are Terrifying Under a Microscope
- Authors
- By Kier Harris
- Published
6 Terrifying Bats You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
5 Ways to Trick Your Body Into Being More Awesome
The human body is a miracle. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't always be finding ways to game the system to gain a little bit more of an advantage.
- Authors
- By Sam Irwin
- Published
The 6 Most Popular Crime Fighting Tactics (That Don't Work)
t's hard to talk people out of laws that sound like they're tough on crime, because damn it, those criminals have to pay, and the people arguing on the other side are probably just a bunch of bleeding hearts anyway. Who cares what the statistics say.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans
- Published
8 Ridiculous Animal Myths You Probably Believe
When it comes to myths about our neighbors in the animal kingdom, people tend to buy into even the most far-fetched ideas with nary a second thought.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik, J.C Breen, Nathan R. Carlsen, Kristina Dillon
- Published
5 Disturbing Ways Food Will Be Different in the Future
Expect the future to take a turn for the weird when they implement these babies in our everyday lives.
- Authors
- By XJ Selman, Nadia Lopez
- Published
5 Iconic Building That Were Barely Saved from Destruction
There is this very elite class of buildings so iconic that they transcend the country that built them. So it's kind of weird how often we almost let the things get destroyed.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
The 5 Most Terrifying Ways Your Brain Can Turn on You
Here are five ways your brain can suddenly turn the world into a bizarre carnival of the absurd.
- Authors
- By Ben Smith
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Modern Medical Procedures That Work
Medicine is unique in that every radical advance is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. Very, very terrifying.
- Authors
- By John Dubensky
- Published
8 Mind-Blowing Realities of Our Future Full of Old People
Allow us to take a moment to imagine a planet where 'old' is the new 'everybody.'
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison
- Published
The 6 Most Insanely Huge Musical Instruments
Humanity became great for two reasons: our ability to create beauty through art, and our urge to build increasingly huge, terrifying gadgets. It only makes sense that these two impulses would converge in amazing, if largely useless, ways.
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe, Jeff Sloan
- Published
The 16 Most Hilariously Ineffective Propaganda Posters
War is hell, and tragedy, and terrible, terrible posters.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
8 Species That Are Threatening to Swarm the Globe
It's paradoxical that there are some species out there that we just can't exterminate, and not for want of trying. These creatures breed out of control and march steadily forth, taking human territory miles at a time.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Meg Anastasia
- Published