22 Shockingly Dark Lyrics in Otherwise Happy Songs
Be honest, how hard are you listening to the lyrics of any given song?
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Classic Songs That Were Originally Creepy as Hell
- Authors
- By Ryan Menezes
- Published
5 Shocking Early Versions of Famous Musicians
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
The 6 Most Disturbing Song Choices by Huge Ad Campaigns
Some marketers are content to slap any old catchy riff into their ads, regardless of the incredibly awkward context that the lyrics might create.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
6 Classic Album Covers That Were Originally Horrifying
If cooler heads hadn't prevailed, history might remember all of these differently.
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- By Jacob Trowbridge
- Published
20 Backstories To Lyrics In Famous Songs
It turns out that if a tune is catchy enough you won't even put a second thought into the vile and disturbing things you're singing about.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
35 Songs That Everybody Gets Wrong
Naturally, we've ended up with a lot of different lyrical interpretations to history's most popular songs. And pretty much all of them are B.S.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Famous Musicians Who Swiped Their Biggest Hits from Others
Many times 'what it takes' has less to do with talent and more to do with the capacity to take songs someone else rejected or flat-out steal them from another artist.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Famous Musicians Who Correctly Predicted Their Own Death
Who knows when and how death's grim hand will come to us? Musicians, apparently.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson, Ryan Menezes
- Published
20 Spirited Easter Eggs Hiding On Famous Albums
A good easter egg makes things infinitely more awesome.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Hit Songs You Won't Believe Are Insulting Celebrities
Some of the most famous songs in history were written as direct insults to actual people.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Insane Lost Verses That Change the Meaning of Famous Songs
There are often dark secrets hiding in the lines your favorite musicians cut from famous songs.
- Authors
- By Ryan Menezes
- Published
23 Eyebrow-Arching Backstories Behind Musician Stage Names
Sometimes you're born with an awesome name like Dave Grohl, and other times you're given the unawesome name of Marvin Lee causing you to make it awesome by renaming yourself ... Meat Loaf.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Inexplicably Hostile Interviews With Famous Musicians
There are those musicians who, for whatever reason -- an off-putting comment, a generally grumpy demeanor, the fact that they're opening that night for Sinbad -- are a little less agreeable.
- Authors
- By Teddy Wayne
- Published