Rich Solomon
5 Famous Movie Characters Who Wasted Awesome Superpowers
Seriously, most of these characters use their incredible abilities to do one or two neat things and then forget they have them.
- Authors
- By Nathaniel Cope, Josh Hrala, Rich Solomon
- Published
5 Ways Video Games Are Saving Mankind
Yeah, no -- we're just as shocked as you are.
- Authors
- By Patrick Thomas, Rich Solomon
- Published
5 Fan Theories That Make Classic Movies Even Better
Every once in a while, we come across a mind-blowing fan theory that makes a disturbing amount of sense, casting a movie we've all seen a million times in a whole new light.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Charles Glass, Rich Solomon
- Published
5 Real Prison Escapes That Shouldn't Have Been Possible
We admit it: We friggin' love prison escape stories.
- Authors
- By Rich Solomon
- Published
5 Literary Classics That Put X-Rated Movies to Shame
When people actually sit down and read the books they've always heard about, they find themselves blindsided by the hardcore sexual depravity everyone so often fails to mention.
- Authors
- By Rich Solomon
- Published
5 True Stories That Will Make You Believe in Karma
Rarely do you see the literal Bitch-Slapping Glove of Justice descend from the skies to smack somebody in the mouth for being a jerk.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Logan Trent, Josh Hrala, Rich Solomon
- Published
6 Underrated Predators With Mind-Blowing Abilities
Obviously, you don't stand a chance in the wild -- not when animals like these are out there murdering each other with what might as well be magic powers.
- Authors
- By Monte Richard, Rich Solomon, Austin Black
- Published
5 Iconic Songs Despised by the People Who Created Them
Sometimes musicians slap together what they think is their worst song, only to see it become the hit that makes them famous.
- Authors
- By Mark Leonardson, J. Wisniewski, Rich Solomon, Chris Snipes
- Published
5 Insane Prison Escapes You Won't Believe Actually Worked
In real life, most prison escapes aren't the result of mind-blowingly complex schemes, but a combination of dumb luck, indifferent guards, and unintentional hilarity.
- Authors
- By Rich Solomon
- Published