Patrick Thomas
Engineer, comedian, wanna'-be-author, and always sarcastic.
5 Ways Video Games Are Saving Mankind
Yeah, no -- we're just as shocked as you are.
- Authors
- By Patrick Thomas, Rich Solomon
- Published
The 5 Ballsiest Ways Fans Have Affected The Outcome of Games
These fans, after paying good money to watch the sporting event, couldn't just sit down and enjoy the athletic showcase they came to see. They had to make it all about them.
- Authors
- By Patrick Thomas, Jamie Flexman
- Published
The 5 Stupidest Decisions You Didn't Notice in Famous Movies
There are countless movies that hinge on an obsessively detailed master plot, which mostly turn out to be really, really awful ideas.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent, Patrick Thomas
- Published
6 Deleted Backstories That Totally Change Classic Movies
Sometimes important stuff is cut from films, and sometimes that stuff includes character moments and backstories that kind of change the whole way you look at the film.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder, Patrick Thomas
- Published
5 Movies That Prove the Action Genre Won't Let a Dog Die
It turns out that some directors delight in killing absolutely everything in their movies except the do
- Authors
- By Patrick Thomas
- Published