Movies & TV
15 Super Facts From The Bonkers History Of Superhero Movies
We’ve come a long way from those movie serial days when people had to wait for their weekly installment of some masked vigilante fighting some other masked vigilante. Oh, wait, that’s just television now? Incredible.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Reminds Us That 'Star Wars' Continuity Has Never Made Sense
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
The Marvel Character Who Absolutely Guarantees Your Side Wins
- Authors
- By Ryan Menezes
- Published
5 Movie And TV Easter Eggs Hiding In The Real World
Sometimes the world is good, apparently.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
4 Secret Ways Superheroes Won Movies And TV
How superhero movies went from a niche genre to, well, the only genre.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
20 Stephen King Adaptations: Original vs. Remake
With so many movies based on King's work, a few are bound to be remade.
- Authors
- By Talbert Gregson, Andres Diplotti
- Published
The Movie So Gross You'll Swear Off "Men" (PODCAST)
Has a movie ever had a weirder ending?
- Authors
- By Jesse, Jordan Breeding, Ali Gordon
- Published
15 Wild Facts On How ‘Stranger Things’ Became A Netflix Hit
What follows is the strange tale of how Stranger Things became the strangest success story on television.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
20 Diabolical Facts About 'The Boys'
The superhero show for people who are tired of superheroes.
- Authors
- By Andres Diplotti, Erik Barnes
- Published
‘Top Gun: Maverick’ (Reviewed By The Volleyball From ‘Top Gun’)
And he’s not happy.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
18 Facts About Cartoon Bears (Because Bears!)
Animators just seem to love drawing bears -- and can you blame them?
- Authors
- By Erik Barnes, Andres Diplotti
- Published
How 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Dooms Tobey To A Horrible Fate
The magic affected him too—and he has no idea what he's in for.
- Authors
- By Ryan Menezes
- Published
4 Myths About Flying Movies Want Us To Believe
Flying largely seems to be a man’s world, and as such, it is riddled with grandiose assumptions and macho tropes about what it is and means to be a pilot.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published