Movies & TV
15 Apocalyptic Facts About ‘The Walking Dead’
This is why everyone should learn to speak Japanese.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
'Better Call Saul' Exists Because Of A Dumb Joke
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
The Best and Worst of 16 'Legendary Weapons' in Pop Culture
- Authors
- By Erik Barnes, Andres Diplotti
- Published
Violence and Ventilation: 15 Bonkers Behind-the-Scenes Details of 'The Wizard of Oz'
Even eight decades later, there are almost certainly no other movies that were as chaotic behind the scenes.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
Was This Movie Secretly Cursed? (PODCAST)
Two of the four who tried out for this role died, two became mega-famous?!
- Authors
- By Jesse, Jordan Breeding, Ali Gordon
- Published
Hollywood Myths, Cracked: 4 Things About Mobsters We Believe Because Of Movies And Shows
Our high school reunions didn’t even have as many people show up as a mob deal in a movie.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
16 Milestone Performances of Steve Carell
It takes a lot of milestones to go from funny guy to HUGE funny (and sometimes serious) guy.
- Authors
- By Erik Barnes, Andres Diplotti
- Published
18 Now-You-Know Movie Facts Since We’re Already Here
Why not just grab the chance and learn some trivia?
- Authors
- By Erik Barnes, Andres Diplotti
- Published
4 Bizarre Details Left Out In Famous Crime Biopics
"Pain and Gain" reads a lot like "The Wolf of Wall Street," only with beefed-up dudes on roids who — and we can’t stress this enough — also did some murders.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
18 Facts About What’s Streaming On Hulu In August
Let us tell us about the not-quite-Disney+ streaming service.
- Authors
- By Andres Diplotti, Erik Barnes
- Published
All The Weird DC Comics Stuff Hiding In 'The Sandman'
Netflix couldn't scrub the show's nerdy DC roots completely, no matter how hard they tried.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
4 Superpowers That Suck Worse Than You'd Think (VIDEO)
The Flash poops so much.
- Authors
- By Tara Marie
- Published
20 Movie Goofs We Aren’t Able to Unsee
No movie is perfect. No, not even 'Die Hard.'
- Authors
- By Andres Diplotti, Talbert Gregson
- Published
4 Megalodon And Other Shark Myths, Debunked
Please stop using that "coconuts kill 150 people a year" line, everyone (including us).
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published