Movies & TV

15 Ways They Could Get People to Actually Watch TV Again
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Cheap Tricks TV Shows Use To Keep You Watching
- Authors
- By Jonathan Kimak
- Published
Hollywood's 5 Saddest Attempts at Feminism
- Authors
- By Jennifer Liang
- Published
The 10 Most Shameless Product Placements in Movie History
If they have to show a Pepsi label now and then so Will Smith can keep the heat on in his home, we're fine with that. But don't rewrite the damned movie to work the product into the plot.
- Authors
- By Jeff Steinbrunner
- Published
The 7 Crappiest 'Super Heroes' In Comic Book History
Some ideas for 'super heroes' should have never been spoken aloud, and when they were the creator should have been laughed out of the room, preferably through a tenth story window.
- Authors
- By Juan Arteaga
- Published
James Bond Bongs: 15 Kickass Devices For Undercover Stoners
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published