Movies & TV
6 'Based on a True Story' Movies with Unpleasant Epilogues
When Hollywood has exhausted its creativity producing prequels and sequels, it often turns to unbelievable real life events for inspiration. And while not all of these are completely embellished, unfortunately, these amazing stories often have terrible aftermaths that even Hollywood wouldn't dare to film.
- Authors
- By Mike Cooney
- Published
Star Wars vs Star Trek: An Objective Analysis
- Authors
- By Winston Rowntree
- Published
7 Brilliant Movie Lawyers (Who Suck at Their Job)
- Authors
- By Chris Radomile
- Published
If Twilight 4 Was 10 Times Shorter and 100 Times More Honest
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- By The Editing Room
- Published
6 Pop Culture Visionaries Who Get Too Much Credit
We all know that our favorite games, comics, movies and TV shows are probably collaborative affairs. But we as a culture just love the story of the creative genius so much that we heap tremendous praise on the rare few who manage to do it. These ... are not those people.
- Authors
- By Jared Whitley
- Published
7 Movies That Put Insane Work Into Details You Didn't Notice
These are seven instances where creators poured their blood, sweat and several other more unsavory fluids into creating something and put it right in front of your face ... and you didn't even notice.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
The 7 Stupidest Attempts to Reinvent Batman
There are people who look at Batman and say, 'Yeah, I see what people like about Batman, but wouldn't he be better if I ruined him?' This article is about them.
- Authors
- By Cole Gamble, Diana McCallum
- Published
5 Old-Timey Prejudices That Still Show Up in Every Movie
We think of Hollywood as a liberal and socially progressive land of hippies, what with its endless fundraisers and giving awards to movies that teach us that intolerance is wrong. Yet in certain ways, movies are still way behind the times.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
6 Happy Endings That Accidentally Screwed The Movie's Hero
We have previously pointed out how many movies only have happy endings because the film doesn't show us what happened after the credits rolled. But as these characters found out, life doesn't stay happy when we fade to black.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent, M. Asher Cantrell, Steve Hanley
- Published
5 Fictional Devils Who Kind of Seem Like Good Guys
It's one of the juiciest roles in all of human culture. But when you look at some of the movies, TV shows and songs where Lucifer shows up, you realize that they kind of forget to make him evil.
- Authors
- By Evan Purcell
- Published
The 5 Most Needlessly Evil Movie Villain Strategies
In a lot of cases, the bad guy is just an excuse for the hero to do stuff, and so the writers are forced to come up with some flimsy explanation for why this particular guy has chosen to do things that are bad ... even when there are much better and easier ways to accomplish what he wants.
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- By Rohan Ramakrishnan
- Published
6 Classic Kids Shows Secretly Set in Nightmarish Universes
Being a cartoon isn't an easy gig.
- Authors
- By Preston Xander
- Published
6 Classic Kids Shows Slapped Together From Recycled Material
A lot of these shows weren't so much 'made' as 'shoddily slapped together from some older bullshit (usually from Japan).'
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
5 Classic Movies That Were Made Possible By Insane Schemes
For the aspiring filmmakers who don't happen to have wealthy friends or connections at a studio, securing funding is by far the biggest obstacle between them and the fulfillment of their vision. Sometimes that means getting creative. Horribly, horribly creative.
- Authors
- By Jim Ciscell
- Published