Movies & TV

6 Bizarre Ways Companies Subliminally Screw With Stuff On TV
These days, broadcast TV is having to fight for ways to get more advertisements into your eyeballs, whether you like it or not. And things are starting to get weird.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood
- Published
26 Characters (Surprisingly) Based On Real People
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
RIP Carrie Fisher: Secret Genius Script Doctor
- Authors
- By Tara Marie
- Published
20 Ridiculous Coincidences That Saved Movie Heroes
Sometimes it turns out that saving the day is less based on skill and more based on having fortune on your side.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Things I Learned Owning A 'Haunted House' On Reality TV
Ghost-hunting reality shows are super hot right now. You know what else they are? So full of shit that their eyes have turned brown.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Evan V. Symon
- Published
21 Iconic Movie Villains That Weren't Villains At All
Movies are deceptive in a way that politicians can only dream of.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Movie Stars Who Demanded Hilariously Insane Plot Changes
Some stars have ended up changing the way a movie or show turned out not because of any artistic vision, but through ridiculous demands.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
20 Movies And Shows That Know Jack (About Alcohol And Drugs)
Look, drugs aren't all that great, really. But sometimes the way Hollywood depicts their effects on people is downright laughable.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Brilliant Clues Hidden In The Background Of TV Shows
We're betting most of you didn't catch any of these the first time around.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Amanda Mannen, Chris Radomile, Carolyn Burke
- Published
5 Beloved Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories
Old-timey storytellers apparently didn't write fairy tales for kids -- they wrote them to keep jaded serial killers entertained while waiting on death row.
- Authors
- By Jillian Karger
- Published
22 Beloved Franchises (That Totally Lost It)
All too often, ideas are sucked dry and left to die in a soggy gutter.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
20 Famous Movie Scenes That Are Hilarious In Reverse
Ever since someone from the days of VCRs discovered the joy found by rewinding certain scenes over and over again, life has been much more hilarious.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
8 Actors Who Do The Same Exact Thing On Every Movie Poster
Whether it be because of some irrational fear, bizarre superstition, very specific form of vanity, or other reason only they know, some actors do the exact same thing on every poster.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon , Sam Jackson, Carolyn Burke
- Published
5 Movie Villains That Stupidly Sabotaged Their Schemes
While we don't expect our bad guys to be infallible geniuses, we at least expect them to not be actively tripping all over themselves like Super Dave Osborne.
- Authors
- By Rohan Ramakrishnan, Aatif Zubair
- Published