A Quick Guide To All The 2022 Academy Awards Controversies

Another year, another bizarre Oscars season.
A Quick Guide To All The 2022 Academy Awards Controversies

Hey, so what’s up with the Oscars? Is that still happening?

Yeah. Well, sort of. Like half of it, because they decided to cut many of the very important awards from the live broadcast, like Sound and Editing.

Why would they do that?

Something, something ratings. But cutting whole categories won’t make the Academy Awards more relevant, so it feels like a pretty redundant move. 

Sure, yeah. So what else is causing a ruckus? Which movie is the most racist this year?

Licorice Pizza.

Oh, God … I was joking.

The film depicts two scenes where some racist white guy from the ‘70s (poorly) imitates an Asian dialect while trying to (poorly) communicate with his Japanese wife. It’s incredibly crass, and while it’s been argued that it’s kind of the point — to show how blindly racist people were in the ‘70s — it’s just really gross to watch.

Crossing out “Racism” on the ol’ Oscars Bingo card …

Oh and Jane Campion made a dumb, racially ignorant joke involving Serena and Venus Williams.


Campion won Best Director at the Critics Choice Awards for The Power of the Dog, and during her speech, she said how honored she was to be in the same room as the tennis sisters before adding that the two of them “Do not play against the guys like I have to.”

Ugh. White people.

Right? She apologized afterward and said it was "a thoughtless comment equating what I do in the film world with all that Serena Williams and Venus Williams have achieved.” But it’s just never a good look comparing and competing in oppression. Also, what she said is not even true.

And the Razzie for the worst joke goes to …

You betcha. Anyway, Dune has been nominated for Best Picture even though the story’s Islamic features have been “toned down” to the point where it feels non-existing. Not to mention the shocking lack of MENA representation.

Okay. You can stop talking now.

Also, West Side Story got a remake and is up for Best Picture, only Puerto Ricans are still not happy with its depiction of their people but, of course, they're being overlooked. Again.


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