6 Movies Based on a True Story That Left Out Important Stuff
Usually 'based on a true story' means 'cut out all the crazy and depressing stuff' not 'cut out all the awesome shit.'
- Authors
- By Luke John Smith
- Published
16 Double Take-Inducing Photos Of Famous People
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Famous People Who Did Creepy Things to Their Own Family
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
13 Celebrities With Weird Quirks You Never Noticed
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Great Writers Who Stole The Idea You Know Them For
As it turns out, tons of famous writers have circumvented the whole creative process thing.
- Authors
- By Nathan Williams
- Published
5 Insane After-Death Adventures of Famous People's Bodies
For most of us, our journeys have come to an end when we die. Others, though, have one last adventure.
- Authors
- By Jef Rouner
- Published
Where Aren't They Now? 10 Overlooked Deaths of 2014 (Part 2)
Every year at this time, Cracked likes to stop and memorialize the less famous deaths that probably flew under your radar.
- Authors
- By Lisa Skye, Paul Rasche
- Published
Where Aren't They Now? 11 Overlooked Deaths of 2014 (Pt. 1)
We lost great and fascinating people who you knew when they were famous, but whose deaths probably didn't trend on Twitter for more than a few hours
- Authors
- By Lisa Skye, Paul Rasche
- Published
23 Bonkers Celebrity Beliefs
Look, we expect our celebrities to come with a certain amount of insanity. But some seemed to have taken more helpings of crazy pills than other.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Historical Figures You're Picturing Almost Exactly Wrong
The problem with our perception of history is that, over the years, the combined forces of Hollywood, gossip, and biased sources have come together to form an indestructible Voltron of ignorance.
- Authors
- By Pat Carnell
- Published
27 Celebrities With Amazing Secret Talents
Just how deep do some celebrities' talent go?
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
8 Celebrities Who Are Great at the Last Thing You'd Expect
Jon Stewart is better than you.
- Authors
- By Aaron Short, Michael Dawson , Michael Hossey
- Published
5 Hilariously Insane Works of Art Made by Celebrities
It is damn near impossible to make any questionable comments about a work of art's inherent quality -- unless, of course, that artwork was made by radically out-of-touch celebrities.
- Authors
- By Rodney Taylor
- Published
25 Famous People In A (Way) Different Light
It's one thing to watch a movie and not recognize a famous celebrity under pounds of makeup. It's another thing entirely when they look all normal and crap.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
23 School Dropouts Who Went On To Kill It
Now, we aren't saying that education isn't important ... but these people DID do a bunch of cool stuff without all that institutionalized B.S.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published