Comic Books

Minecraft was invented in the panels of a Donald Duck comic, so never underestimate what's possible in this medium. Well, depending how strong censorship laws are, anyway. And if censors are willing to use fake research. We dunno, we're kind of a “don't follow rules unless Stan Lee wrote the rules" crowd. But censorship notwithstanding, anything is possible in comic books. Horror comics go wild places. And just look at these insane comic book sex scenes! Speaking of strange sex, what about when DC mashed up Joker and David Bowie? Or forget sex, look at what comic books think women are capable of! Yep, comic books can do anything. We even heard a rumor that comic books can have diverse characters! What an amazing world. 

6 Comic Book Crossovers You Won't Believe Actually Happened

For comic nerds, the sight of two or more superheroes working together has as much attraction as the sight of two or more girls making out. In fact, given a choice the true comic book fan will probably go for the former. That doesn't always mean it'll work out for the best, though.

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