More Art Than Science: Rick And Morty's Animation Do's And Don'ts

This one's not directed by Ron Howard
More Art Than Science: Rick And Morty's Animation Do's And Don'ts
Rick and Morty features some of the cleanest depictions of the grossest stuff in the history of animation. There's an immense amount of detail the animation team needs to get just right, from the scale of a huge baby right down to Morty's miniscule ass.

Here's a peak behind the curtain at the show's animation guide, including illustrations from character designer Maximus J. Pauson and notes from co-creator Justin Roiland:

  • Rick's Anatomy
  • Morty's Anatomy
  • Character Concept Art
  • Notes From Justin Roiland
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Naked Nc LUNci Ref This dude in the Season 2 finale is inspired by the 1991 sci-fi Naked Lunch. MAYiMus J Puson CRAGKEDCON
Rick and Morty - Ep. 104 Size SMALLER Simar ace too Sfots to sit STARBURNS INDUSTRIES
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Maybe, if it works P43 w/downshot f P44 Rasta HUGE BABY pub Py7 puS uahngm wad Lnberiaek nick Re ThiS Yes yes!! ORACKEDEOM


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