37 Lies, Myths and Untruths You’ve Been Force Fed Like a Foie Gras Goose

A little fact-to-myth sleight of hand from our fact-checker magicians
37 Lies, Myths and Untruths You’ve Been Force Fed Like a Foie Gras Goose

Well, look who came crawling back! 

You “just knew” that these were all factual yesterday, didn’t you? You came in here cockily spouting a few “facts” that you’ve believed your entire life, and didn’t take our suggestion of a fact-check seriously. Nor did you count on the fact that we have some of the best fact-checkers in the game. How did it feel to wake up to this list? Knowing that your precious facts have somehow magically transformed into myths must be eating you up inside. 

We’ll just leave this list here as a reminder to you and any other gullible believers out there.

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Busted Myths!

MYTH: conception HAPPenS WHEN you HAve sex. FACT: IT COULD HAPPen A week LATER. Sperm survive longer than a week in the reproductive tract. If you hav
MYTH8 ABSINTHE MAkes YoU TRIP BALLS. FAGT8 ABSINTHE IS STRONG, BUT IT DoESN'T Make YOU HALLUCINATE. The potentially toxic/hallucinogenic thujone that


CRACKED SPARTANS AS ANCIENT SUPER-SOLDIERS. It's a common misconception that Spartans were the best warriors in ancient Greece. In fact, there's no proof that they were particularly good at fighting in the Archaic period. Their fame mainly comes from their victory at the Battle of Thermopylae.


CRACKED ALL VIKINGS WORE HORNED HELMETS Actuallys the misconception came from a painter who had drawn the Vikings with horned helmets. He was inspir


Europe isn't as socially liberal as you think. People seem to think Europe is some kind of liberal haven, but in reality it's not much different than


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