32 Powerful People and Corporations Who Deserve a Swift Comeuppance

Filing your taxes is only hard because of H&R Block lobbyists!
32 Powerful People and Corporations Who Deserve a Swift Comeuppance

We know you rich snobs have enough already, but youll get yours too! We dont exactly know what “yours” is, but we usually hear it in a threatening tone, so were betting that its something you dont want. 

We can just see it now: Youre all safe and cozy in your big ‘ol mansion, when boom! A little something called “yours” is at the door. Oh, and whoever delivers it will take a picture of it on your doorstep so we can all rest easy knowing that you got it.

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Fox News used the fact that food stamp fraud cost the government $70 million to argue that it may be time to stop the program. V/Fox insider LATEST TR

Pastor fleeces flock, attempts extortion.

CRACKED BROOKLYN BISHOP BUSTED FOR FRAUD, LIES. Bishop Lamor Whitehead, a pastor from Brooklyn, was arrested on charges of wire fraud, attempted wire fraud, attempted extortion and making a material false statement. Не is accused of defrauding a parishioner of $90,000, attempting to extort a businessman and lying to the FBI. FJF


McDONALD'S VEGETABLE OIL NTXX CRACKED.COM In 1990, McDonald's switched from beef fat to vegetable oil to cook their fries. Vegetarians were thrilled until discovering the vegetable oil still contained beef products. A lawsuit awarded $10 mill to Hindu and vegetarian groups.

Source: rd

The Dawn of the Light Beer

The movement for Prohibition led to American beer-makers moving towards lighter, blander beers. MARK REGISTERLU AMERIC BUD LIGHT BREWED USING THE CHOICEST HOPS AND BARLEY MALT CRACKED.COM In the early part of the 20th century, brewers tried to emphasize that beer was healthier than whiskey. Today, Bud Light alone has a greater market share than all craft beers com- bined.


Corporate Basketball

In the Philippines, basketball teams are corporate-owned. Tender Juicy HOTDOO Each team only serves as its corporation's marketing tool. Their names change often, depending on what the company wants to sell: for example, there used to be a team called Kia Sorento that became Kia Carnival. And the Purefoods Star Hotshots were Purefoods Tender Juicy Hotdogs, then Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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