32 Powerful People and Corporations Who Deserve a Swift Comeuppance
Filing your taxes is only hard because of H&R Block lobbyists!

We know you rich snobs have enough already, but you’ll get yours too! We don’t exactly know what “yours” is, but we usually hear it in a threatening tone, so we’re betting that it’s something you don’t want.
We can just see it now: You’re all safe and cozy in your big ‘ol mansion, when boom! A little something called “yours” is at the door. Oh, and whoever delivers it will take a picture of it on your doorstep so we can all rest easy knowing that you got it.
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Beanie Babies

Source: 17 (Forgotten) 90's Things

Source: The Guardian
Pastor fleeces flock, attempts extortion.


Since COVID-19, more and more companies are installing “bossware” on their workers' computers.

Source: rd

Marketing: 1; American Teens: 0

Reba Rudkin opened the floodgates for justice.


Racist Monopoly

The Dawn of the Light Beer


H&R Block

Corporate Basketball