Movies & TV

5 Ways 'Inspector Gadget' Totally Predicted the Future
Despite originally airing in the early '80s and having a shamelessly implausible cartoon premise, this cartoon managed to correctly predict more trends in the modern world than most serious speculative fiction novels.
- Authors
- By Chapman Templer
- Published
6 Terrible Plans in Movies That Just Sort of Work Out
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- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
6 Insane Game Shows You Won't Believe Were Allowed on TV
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- By E. Reid Ross, Meg Anastasia
- Published
If Twilight 5 Was 10 Times Shorter and 100 Times More Honest
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- By The Editing Room
- Published
5 Ways Superman Is Shockingly Realistic According to Science
Apparently, there are parts of Superman's character that may seem random or even stupid to you, but offer surprising benefits, according to science.
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- By Paul K Pickett
- Published
5 Mind-Blowing Academic Theories as Taught by Classic Movies
There are a few core philosophical thought experiments at the center of our most popular movies, like ancient cheat codes that filmmakers know we'll pay to see depicted on the big screen over and over again.
- Authors
- By M. Asher Cantrell, Jason Cross
- Published
6 Creepy Things You Never Noticed About Famous Kids Cartoons
The longer and harder you look at something, the more grotesque it's going to get.
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- By Preston Xander
- Published
7 Movie Plot Holes You Didn't Notice Due to Editing (Pt. 2)
Even great movies build key plot points around utterly impossible events hidden by clever edits.
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- By Robin Warder
- Published
5 Insane Pop Culture Crossovers That Almost Happened
Even if two franchises share the same fans, that doesn't mean it makes any sense for the characters to show up in the same universe.
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- By Ken Ossea, Jr.
- Published
6 Happy Movie Endings That Actually Ruin the Hero's Life
If there's one thing Hollywood loves more than a happy ending, it's a happy ending that accidentally screws over the hero.
- Authors
- By Douglas A. McDonnell, Alex Race
- Published
The 6 Most Brutal Murders Committed by Batman
It turns out that Batman has not just murdered several dudes over the years, but done so in gruesome ways that probably made his victims wish that he'd just shot them.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Lucas White
- Published
6 Insane (But Convincing) Fan Theories About Kids' Cartoons
Just like a broken watch, even the Internet is right every once in a while
- Authors
- By M. Asher Cantrell, M.W.
- Published
5 Awesome Movie Robots with Inexcusable Design Flaws
Movie robots can think and love and perform amazing feats, and every kid wants one. Yet if they were built and sold by a real company, they'd be yanked from the market within minutes due to their glaring design oversights.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
6 Iconic Movie Scenes That Happened by Accident
Like in any job, accidents tend to happen when they're shooting a movie ... and sometimes those accidents turn out to be far better than what the director originally had in mind and are left in the film.
- Authors
- By Sean Warhurst, Dennis Fulton
- Published
The 7 Most Hilarious Foreign Twists on Common Movie Clichés
While studios continue to crank out one multiplex-filling cash grab after another, the rest of the world has been putting its own spin on them, quietly dipping those tired old cliches in pure liquid insanity.
- Authors
- By Isaac Minarik
- Published