Movies & TV

6 Futuristic Movie Scenarios Already Disproven By Science
A lot of the sci-fi scenarios Hollywood makes us think await us aren't just wrong -- when you look at the actual science involved, you learn that they're the opposite of what's likely going to happen.
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- By Nathan Kamal, James Netter, Molly Khan
- Published
5 Movies That Chewed Up Actors And Spit Them Out
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- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
25 Disastrous Episodes In Surprising Shows
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- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
13 Bizarre Ways Actors Get Into Character
We'd say actors are weird, but there's a reason they're super rich and we write fart jokes on the internet.
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- By Kevin King, Carolyn Burke
- Published
6 Movie Details You Never Noticed That Reveal The Whole Plot
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Pairs Of Characters You Didn't Realize Were The Same Guy
Sorry, Mel Gibson, but Leslie Nielsen pulled off a far better version of 'The Patriot' decades before you did.
- Authors
- By Nathan Kamal, Mike Bedard, Dan Hopper, James Netter
- Published
The 4 Most Underratedly Dark Scenes In Disney History
Much to Disney's chagrin, swelling the music and closing in on the comic relief doesn't necessarily mean 'happily ever after.'
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- By Matt Cowan
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Daredevil Can Punch Women: 5 Super-Ignored Superhero Crimes
Before he was Batfleck, Ben Affleck was Daredevil: assaulter of women.
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- By Ryan Lichtenstein
- Published
7 Casting Choices That Were Secret In-Jokes
'Lego Batman': Righting the wrongs of the past.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Hilariously Unsubtle Movie Shots
These directors pretty much made their movies thinking the audiences would be populated by the biggest of idiots around.
- Authors
- By Jacob Lewis, Sam Hurley, Mike Bedard, E.M. Caris, Saikat Bhowmik
- Published
21 Terrible Hollywood Reboots (And Why They Failed)
It's not often that Brendan Fraser outdoes Tom Cruise.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Weird Offscreen Facts About Great Movies You Can't Un-Know
The 'Jurassic Park' dinosaurs had more than frog DNA floating around inside them.
- Authors
- By James Kinneen, Jordan Breeding, Michael Battaglino
- Published
8 Actual Movie Posters That Are Hilarious Disasters
'Logan' is probably the greatest X-Men film to date. Coincidentally, the poster for 'Logan' might be the most horrifying X-Men poster to date as well.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Marina Reimann
- Published