15 Facts About Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse

The View Askewniverse is Kevin Smith’s MCU-esque world, populated by angels, cliterrorists, and stoners. Years before the Avengers initiative there was Jay and Silent Bob, Quick Stop, and that scene where they do a fun dance in the comic shop. Despite being one of the first large semi-connected film universes, the View Askewniverse has laid dormant for quite a while… until the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot brought most of the famous characters back. And now that Clerks III and Mallrats 2 are on their way, what better time (4:20) is there to look back at the Askewniverse and all of the weird, wild, and great films contained therein. Here are some facts about the world’s most unique filmverse, and the man who had all these ideas and then brought them to life, before getting stoned an awful lot and just making sequels and spin-offs of Tusk (and perhaps other sea mammal-related weird stuff).

Source: Joker Mag
Jay & Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie

Source: Geeks of Doom
Clerks II

Source: MovieWeb

Source: Clip on YouTube

Source: Clerks (Director’s Commentary)
Chasing Amy

Source: Chasing Amy (Director’s Commentary)
Jersey Girl

Source: Moviepedia

Mallrats 2

Source: MovieWeb

Source: Movieclips/YouTube
Jay and Silent Bob strike Back

Source: Just Jared Jr.
Scream 3

Source: Scene on YouTube
Clerks: The Animated Series

Source: Heritage Auctions
Freddy vs. Jason

Source: Friday the 13th Wiki
Jay and Silent Bob

Source: YEW!