15 Titanic Facts About The Teen Titans

“When there’s trouble you know who to call… TEEN TITANS!” Whether it’s from the comic books or the cartoon shows, generations of nerds enjoy the DC group of superheroic youngsters known as the Teen Titans. Aside from their battles against evil using superpowers, the main appeal of the Titans was the conflicts within their relationship dynamics and forging ahead as friends (and sometimes lovers).
However, even the biggest fans of the Teen Titans don’t know everything about them. We mean, the team has been in comic book stories since 1964. That was nearly 60 years ago. The Teen Titans should really be the Retiree Titans by now, shouldn’t they? But anyway, the point is, they have a lot of history that most sane people wouldn't go through thoroughly. Not today!
Here are some interesting and sometimes odd facts about the Teen Titans comics, characters, and cartoons for you to kill time with.
Teen Titans

Source: The Teen Titans Wiki
Beast Boy

Source: CBR

Source: WhatCulture

Source: Screen Rant
Slade Wilson

Source: WhatCulture Comics/YouTube
Nightwing and Superman

Source: Screen Rant
Wonder Girl

Source: CBR
Más y Menos

Sources: wishingicouldfly/YouTube

Source: DC Database
Interracial Hug

Sources: Chris is on Infinite Earths, Screen Rant

Source: WhatCulture Comics/YouTube

Source: DC Comics
Young Allies

Sources: Screen Rant, Key Collector Comics

Source: WhatCulture Comics/YouTube
Adult Titans

Source: DC Comics