Tell Us Now: 15 Ways to Ruin A Movie Instantly

We are sick of only creating critically acclaimed and commercially successful movies, so we asked Cracked readers on Facebook, “What’s one thing that can ruin a movie instantly?” The top-rated complaints literally made the movie hard to watch and hear: sound mixing and visual issues. Our favorite was a shoe-horned relationship introduction. Who genuinely refers to their sibling by their relationship? We’ve never once said out loud, “Sister, call me back!” And, look, we can empathize with lazy writing (even though we would never) but we can’t condone it in a multi-million-dollar movie.
A repeated response we ignored was “political messaging” because every movie includes political messages…it’s just a matter of whether you agree with them. From buying a screenplay to sound engineer hires, every decision is political.
Do the following fifteen examples make you so angry you’ll turn a movie off? If not, what else would you include on this list?
Using Unnecessary Explanation or Clunky Dialogue

Forcing Romantic Subplots

Using Unbelievable Props

Falling Back on Remakes and Sequels

Creating Hard-To-See Scenes

Including Blatant Product Placements

Using Shaky Cam Footage

"Lampshade Hanging"

Overusing Jump Cuts

Dramatically Revealing an Injury

Killing the Dog

Unnecessary Deaths

Inconsistent Sound Mixing

Excessive Action Sequences

Inaccurate Accents