Raw Audio From Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s ‘Spirit of Christmas’ Shows Their Real ‘South Park’ Voices

Baritone Kyle Broflovski may sound unsettling, but wouldn’t be nearly as weird as hearing the words, “You killed Cartman!”
Back in 1992, two University of Colorado students produced a stop-motion short film using an 8 mm camera and construction paper. The duo, operating under the moniker the Avenging Conscience, wanted to create a profane, violent holiday special centered around a group of Colorado kids who bring a snowman to life with a magic hat — a snowman who promptly murders two of them and needs to be behatted by Jesus Christ himself. The short, titled The Spirit of Christmas (later renamed Jesus vs. Frosty), laid the foundation for South Park, and Avenging Conscience, better known as Trey Parker and Matt Stone, would reprise their roles as the cozily-dressed cardboard cutouts in 375 episodes of TV, 5 feature films and 9 different video games.
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However, in 1992, the college students masquerading under a silent film's name were still exploring what was possible with cast of crass kids in winter coats — as well as what the hell kids sound like when their voiced by post-pubescent actors. Parker and Stone use pitch shift to create the believably childish effect, but a pre-shifted vocal track from the original short posted on Twitter presents us exactly what it sounded like when they first created Kyle, Stan, Kenny and Kenny (Cartman).