‘The Daily Show’ Found A Way to Dumb Down Elon Musk’s Interview With Tucker Carlson Even Further

‘The Daily Show’ distilled every bit of substance from the hour-long interview down to 37 glorious seconds
‘The Daily Show’ Found A Way to Dumb Down Elon Musk’s Interview With Tucker Carlson Even Further

“The smartest creatures — as far as we know — on this earth are humans,” Elon Musk told Tucker Carlson 20 seconds into their 51-minute interview. “That is our defining characteristic. We are obviously weaker than, say, chimpanzees, and less agile, but real smarter.”

The two-part conversation between the Twitter CEO and the Fox News pundit who finds only the sluttiest M&M’s bangable started as a dialogue over the future of A.I. technology and its concerning impact on our culture. However, the talk quickly devolved into a discussion on various unrelated issues, including the pair’s sexual urges and collapsing birth rates (which Musk naturally blames on birth control, abortions and women’s bodily autonomy instead of companies like Tesla firing women for getting pregnant). 

In its entirety, the interview is mostly unwatchable as Musk and Carlson careen wildly across topics with the tact of two chimpanzees smashing star-shaped blocks against crescent holes, but The Daily Show did manage to make parts of it palatable — the Comedy Central news show’s official Twitter account posted a supercut of only the most smartest moments from the hour-long brain cell bombardment.

In not-exactly-unrelated news, Beavis and Butthead Season 10 premieres today.

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