Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro Argue ‘Ratatouille’ and Beaches That Make You Old in an A.I.-Assisted Masterpiece

We never could have predicted how badly we’d want to watch a film talk show starring Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro à la Siskel & Ebert before we watched comedian Zach Silberberg’s visionary videos predicting exactly how that would play out.
The two most influential voices in alternative white guy political podcasting duked it out over the Pixar classic Ratatouille and M. Night Shyamalan’s horror thriller Old in Silberberg’s A.I.-assisted video sketches. The comedian perfectly captured the cadence and energy of Rogan and Shapiro as they argue about “beaches that make you old” and the practical applications of a puppet-master rat outside of fine dining.
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The discussion gets heated when… You know what? You just have to watch it yourself. Jamie, pull it up.
To be clear, these videos are written by Silberberg before he uses A.I. tools to perfectly imitate the voices of Rogan and Shapiro performing the spectacular script. As A.I. and deepfakes further confuse our relationship with our own eyes and ears, it’s (somewhat) reassuring that the terrifying technology is still mostly being used for futuristic shitposts instead of overthrowing democracies.
The results of this experiment in A.I. deception speak for themselves in how they executed Silberberg’s on-point writing and expert understanding of the subjects — considering Shapiro’s tenuous grasp on the concept of storytelling, we’d rather watch a movie written by an A.I., a rat or Silberberg himself than read one of Shapiro’s screenplays.