Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone Go On a Speed Date in This ‘40-Year-Old Virgin’ Deepfake

What if Stallone took up Schwarzenegger’s offer to hop on his ‘pogo stick’?
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone Go On a Speed Date in This ‘40-Year-Old Virgin’ Deepfake

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone used to have a legendary feud during their heydays as Hollywood’s biggest action stars, but with the power of deceptive deepfake technology, we can pretend that they made up — and then some.

Deepfake director Brian Monarch has blessed us with a brilliant array of Schwarzenegger performances in films which, until Monarch came around, had an unacceptable absence of Arnold. One such project is “Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone Speed Date,” a superimposed reimagining of the 40-Year-Old Virgin scene between a horned-up, sexually fluid Mo Collins and a stiff, uncomfortable Steve Carrell (the voices are courtesy of the brilliant Joe Gaudet).

One can only imagine what Monarch would mock up if he ever decided that Stallone should take up Schwarzenegger’s offer of hopping on his “pogo stick.”

Eventually, Monarch will have to add Schwarzenegger to the Rocky universe — Adrian always needed a thicker accent.

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