15 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped

Welcome to the fifth installment in our never-ending quest to bring you the craziest, realest images on the web (see Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Part Four).
We know some of you folks out there are going to scream "Fake" no matter what anyway, but we figured we'd stress one more time that these images are, unfortunately, completely real.
On the Set of 2 Ark, 2 Furious: Noah's Revenge
Everyone's reaction to this one can be summed up as, "What's the big deal? It's just two pics, one of a giant oil tanker and one of a peaceful little town--OH HOLY FUCK THOSE PEOPLE ARE ABOUT TO BE CRUSHED."
That is in fact one photo, of the The Pasha Bulker, a ship that famously ran aground in 2007 within spitting distance of that little Australian community there. The accident was due to bad weather while the captain was "eating breakfast." Apparently it became quite a tourist attraction, with people traveling from all over to see the massive stuck ship and perhaps hoping it was about to spill several million gallons of Fosters.
It's the Tasmanian Devil, Get in the Car
This spontaneous tornado photo looks like the kind of CGI you see in made-for-TV movies. But if it's fake, then National Geographic is lying to us. They say it's a 4,000-foot tall twister in Kansas. We think it looks like that bank of clouds ate a bit of bad Mexican last night. In which case, we're really glad not to be that Weather Tracker guy. Cracked meteorology tip: When you're within sighting distance of a bout of meteorological diarrhea, it's good not to wear your Sunday Best.
Mom, Dad, I'd Like You to Meet my New Girlfriend
This is one of those in the "not just fake but a bad fake" category, looking like something from some magazine ad selling ... bear insurance or something. But in fact it's one of several pics of Brutus the Bear and the family who's keeping him as a pet.
Brutus was raised in captivity and serves as a pet/family friend to Casey Anderson, star of Expedition Grizzly. One of Casey's major goals is to use Brutus to show that giant bears aren't the dangerous man-eating monsters that we think they are. That's a brave mission he's on, considering the previous attempt to prove that resulted in the guy getting eaten.
Prostitution in the Deep-Sea World
While this picture looks like some harebrained lipstick ad, it's actually the aptly-named "rosy-lipped batfish." Though it would probably could have been even more aptly-named "the scowling old lady at the DMV." Its expression is just perfect.
Also, it uses those legs/fins to crawl around on the sea floor, because it's apparently too lazy to swim.
Winner of the "Turn Your Neighborhood into Mordor" Photoshop Contest
The Internet is lousy with mind bending images of street art that turns a few panels of sidewalk into a swimming hole, or a terrifying pedestrian hazard. But Edgar Mueller's neighborhood swallowing painting makes that shit look like hopscotch.
With most sidewalk art, you can wrap your head around the illusion if you look at it long enough. But this one just gets more insane the longer you think about it. Especially when you take into account his contingency plan for rain is " leave and paint a new picture tomorrow." So while the dog perched precariously out on the ledge of the literal floating buttress might look like it's in danger of starring in the Disney version of Drag Me to Hell, it could actually ruin the whole week long project with a territory marking stream of piss.
Why Buy a New Camera When You Can Strap the Hubble Telescope to the Front of Your Handheld?
What looks like someone pasted the business end of a bazooka onto a handheld camera is an actual lens from manufacturer Sigma. For the low price of $29,000, wedding photographers no longer have to actually be at the wedding, and paparazzo can steal shots of celebrity vaginas from 30 blocks away.
While the guy in the above picture jokingly posed with the camera sans tripod, we have to think that anyone who actually owns this thing will mostly be pointing it down at their lap, finally able to offer photographic evidence of the tiny equipment they're clearly compensating for.
Gundam It, Japan
Proving that global economic crises mean nothing to the Japanese, they've built a full scale Gundam statue, just for the hell of it.
Oh, and by the way, it's motorized, so the damn thing moves. And we thought North Korea's nuclear weapons were the biggest threat to global safety from that part of the world.
This looks like the kind of shitty crop-and-paste job you'd see on the Photoshop Disasters site. In fact these dogs live in the Philippines, and were born without front legs.
Despite the fact that it looks like the poor guys would topple over the moment they tried to wag their tails, it is apparently possible for dogs to live normal lives this way, using their strong hind legs to perfectly straddle the line between cute and terrifying.
Oh Man I am So Going to Get Fired for This
This looks like an entry in a "what if advertisements came to life and fucked up your car" Photoshop contest, but it is an actual photo of an actual ad in Columbus, Ohio.
The ad isn't for a paint brand, but rather Nationwide Insurance. So how did they achieve the illusion that paint had spilled down the building and onto the parking lot? By, uh, spilling a bunch of paint on the building and parking lot.
A UFO, or Possibly God's Condom
Here we have what appears to be a badly faked UFO photo, one with the added bonus of capturing it in the middle of firing a pink laser at something off to the right! It's a fucking interstellar war!
This is in fact another form of lenticular cloud, which happen when the clouds are positioned perpendicular to the wind direction, where they get spun into shape like a clay pot. We featured a famous lenticular cloud photo in a previous episode, but the pink sunset tint on this one gives it that extra layer of "this has to be bullshit."
This one was photographed in Damascus, Syria and probably caused the nearest air force base to scramble their fighter jets.
"Hold On, I Just Need to Divide by Zero here..."
It looks like either somebody shot your monitor with a BB gun or a giant cracked open the sky with a stray baseball. It's actually a giant sculpture called The B of the Bang, located in Manchester, England.
If you're thinking that structure is a horrifying impalement waiting to happen, well, you're right. Structural difficulties led to several broken spikes, leading to lawsuits and area closures. It's currently dismantled, and sitting in storage somewhere while they wait for funding and safety testing to rebuild it. After that, presumably somebody will have to climb up there once a month and knock the dead birds off the spikes.
The World's Most Apathetic Optical Illusion
This is the rare optical illusion that doesn't care if you're impressed or not. Straight on you think you're looking at an adequate Photoshop collage constructed by someone who is less adequate at math. The mind fuck doesn't hit home until you move to the side and realize that it's actually... a bunch of junk.
While it's awesome when a guy spends two weeks making a town look like a level from Mario Bros., it's downright punk rock to make a just as meticulously detailed optical illusion that is essentially a retarded math equation made out of a garage sale.
Though, if they do freelance work, we can't think of a better way to tell a cheating spouse you're kicking them out than spelling "Pack Your Shit" in floating letters in the garage using all their worldly possessions.
"Challenge God to a Fight? Why, I'm not Afraid of-"
This would be the second entry in the "Man, this is the worst CGI I've ever seen!" category, with what appears to be a strafing run by a plane-mounted flamethrower.
This is a fire whirl, a momentary phenomenon caused by twisting air currents, captured in action by a lucky photographer.
The Internet has several real pictures of this phenomenon, each looking more fake than the last.
Your Policy Does Not Cover This
If you're not sure what you're looking at here, we don't blame you. Is it a huge hunk of mountain that's fallen on a town? The view from under one of Godzilla's shits?
Unfortunately, all of the photos of the town of Setenil de las Bodegas in Spain are equally confusing.
The whole place just looks like it's being slowly consumed by a creeping wave of rock, like the plot of the worst disaster movie ever.
It turns out they built the town that way, crammed under the overhanging rocks, for reasons that we're sure no one in the town can adequately explain.
Life-Sized Re-enactment of Excitebike
This fortuitously captured motorcycle jump is awesome because of the utterly ridiculous cartoon logic at play. And who hasn't wanted to go hopping across the pyramids on a dirtbike?
That's not some Styrofoam pyramids they put up in the background of some motocross rally, by the way. The pic is from an exhibition in front of the actual pyramids of Giza. Though we have to admit, half the reason it made the list is because it reminded us of this Achewood strip.CONTINUE: 17 MORE Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped...
For more ridiculous photos on the Internet, check out The 15 Worst Album Covers of All-Time and The 35 Most Insane Halloween Costumes from Around the World.