Comedy Movies

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there were people who made comedy movies. There still are people making comedy movies, but it sorta feels like some sort of heyday should be happening that isn't right now. The early aughts had some good comedies. The 90s had some underrated comedies. And while things like superhero movies are getting funnier and sitcoms proliferate on streaming services, it seems like actual released-in-theaters comedy movies are limping into the 2020s. Of our (not exhaustive) list of comedy stars' best movies, the newest was 2015

But we here at Cracked are keeping our hopes up. Lots of comedians are moving to spooky stuff, and maybe comedy could take some pointers from horror. Besides, who knows? Maybe some beautiful failure is waiting in the wings to change comedy as we know it. 

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