Strange Advice From Dad

Here's to you, Dad.
Strange Advice From Dad

If there's one thing we have learned from our dads, it's that you should never take life too seriously. They always seem to have a clever saying or piece of wisdom to share, even when it comes to the most unexpected topics. For example, if some of us asked them for advice about how to deal with a difficult situation at work. Their reply? "Just tell them you're going to kill them and see what happens." Needless to say, their sense of humor is unique – but somehow, it always seems to work. We thought we would like to share some of the strangest advice our dad has ever given us. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for our fathers. We wouldn't be as generally confused either. Fathers have a way of giving scorching advice nuggets that are at best perplexing and at worst hazardous, no matter how well-intentioned they are.

Here are some of the least useful pieces of advice from your own fathers.

My dad, on driving: Drive fast. The shorter the time you take to reach your destination, the less chance there is for you to get into an accident Fo
My dad told me to 3B always carry cash in case of emergency.. 383Q FRANKLN DDOLAE VISA Mastercard Ln but always use a credit card in emergencies to hi
When it's time to ride, make sure to strap in. CRAGh mistake mistake mistake mistake nistake You don't wanna make the same mistake 'I' did. And yes,
CRACKEDC COM When you see a hot woman, honk to get her attention. Women like it when a man makes a big fuss over them.
CRAGKED.CON My dad: It's better to be 'the guy who says dumb things' than it is to be 'the shy guy.
I once complained to my dad about the injustice I had faced at work and how it was weighing me down. My dad gave me this advice: You won't get anythi
CRACKED.COM Don't leave your house with your wallet. Just bring what you need to get through the day. Bringing it with you is the fastest Way to losi
Don't forget to check your oil and tires three GRAGN times a week. M T W Th F OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK GET OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
On the day of my marriage, my dad gave me some advice on how to preserve my love for my wife: When your wife reaches an age where she is no longer at
My friends and E were relaxing in my living room when my dad suddenly came in and yelled... Don't let anyone trick you into becoming a scientist! Ign
When was a teenager, my dad used to tell me to be sure to make friends with girls my older brother could date. Because sibling datability is a super-g
If you're going to do something stupid, don't get caught. You'll only be in trouble if you get caught.
When 0 was still living with my parents, my dad never missed a chance to tell me Don't get pregnant before went out even when I was only going to wa
When was very young, I ate some nuts and immediately had a severe allergic reaction. My dad looked me right in the red, swollen face, and said, There
CRACKEDo COM 1 rye Dry Drive D Io uDon't write any of your ideas down. If it's a good idea, you'll rememberi it; if you don't, it can't have been such
Never trust a woman when she says she can't have children. This is the advice my dad gave me after explaining that... 1. My mom was divorcing him. 2
My dad's advice to my sister when she went drinking for the first time was like a half-assed Nike commercial: JUST DO IT... BUT DON'T OVERDO IT. CRa
Coke is used to disinfect toilets, so you can use it to clean wounds 7 He advised as he poured soda on my scraped knee. CRACKED
Baby girls are shy, so make sure you expoSE yours to as many people as you can. That way she will get comfortable around others and grow up to be a s
Always put your cigarette butts out in your beer cans. The extra weight will make them worth more when you go to the recycling center each month. CR
CRACKEDc COM My dad once got called into my principal's office because I threw my bully's pencil case into drain. a On our way back home, he said to m
On my first day at a new job, my dad told me, Don't ever give 100% at work. Once you do, your boss will expect it every day. CRACKED COR
If you're going to get married, do it in the morning, because then if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted the whole day. CRACKED
TONIGHT Do TO HANDS THINGS YOUR WITH PART AT AA meetings are a great place to meet a woman who really knows how to have a good time. CRACKED
CRACKEDOON Your mom and I have renewed our passions with erotic tea. You and your husband should try some!
The other day, I overheard my dad tell my brother, You are too dumb to be stupid. Study more. CRACKED COM


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