21 Historical Events That Must Have Been Time Travel

Listen, on a rational level, we know time travel doesn’t exist. If it does, either no one’s done it yet for some reason or they’re a huge asshole. Sure, there’s probably some good Butterfly Effect reason not to kill Hitler or stop 9/11 or make sure the COVID-19 virus never infected patient zero, but there wasn’t a single atrocity worth fixing? Or in the case of future travel, anyone who’s done it must have had no friends or family who would miss them, because there have been zero reported cases of people who happened to be toying with time travel who up and vanished.
On a funner, more suggestible level, there are events in history that really seem like they can’t be explained by anything other than time travel. Call it the indomitable human spirit or a glitch in the matrix or just a huge coincidence, but a hole in the fabric of space-time starts to sound like the more logical answer. Reddit came up with plenty such scenarios when user CarmeleH asked r/AskReddit, “What is a crazy history fact that sounds like a time traveler was involved in?”