Carmen Angelica
Writer/Performer at Cracked. Just me everywhere else.
Best Episode Ever: 30 Rock
You'd be hard pressed to find a half-hour comedy that packs more jokes into any single minute of television than 30 Rock.
- Authors
- By Brett Rader, Haley Mancini, Carmen Angelica
- Published
Best Episode Ever: Adventure Time
In 2010, Cartoon Network released Adventure Time, a show that would capture the imaginations of children and adult stoners alike.
- Authors
- By Brett Rader, Teresa Lee, Carmen Angelica
- Published
Best Episode Ever: Friends
Do you secretly 'ship Rachel and Joey?
- Authors
- By Katie Willert, Brett Rader, Carmen Angelica
- Published
10 Revolutionary TV Shows That Almost Happened
Remember the LOST pilot?
- Authors
- By Carmen Angelica, Brett Rader, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Cracked Movie Club: The Breakfast Club
John Hughes month begins on Cracked Movie Club!
- Authors
- By Carmen Angelica, Tom Reimann
- Published
Cracked Movie Club: Point Break
Kathryn Bigelow month continues on Cracked Movie Club!
- Authors
- By Abe Epperson, Tom Reimann, Carmen Angelica, Soren Bowie
- Published
The Astoundingly Complex Logistics Of How Food Gets Made
If car commercials, beer commercials and presidential stump speeches were the only entertainment you consumed, you'd probably be pretty bored.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Carmen Angelica
- Published
24 Huge Historical Events That Were Secret Keggers
Even though drugs and alcohol have been a social lubricant since before we could write anything down, we like to think of history as this boring, stuffy museum exhibit where kings and queens drank iced tea, ate flavorless biscuits and had sex like our parents did (they've never had sex!).
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Carmen Angelica, Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Advertising Tricks Big Companies Don't Want You To Know
We all know consciously to take advertising with a grain of salt.
- Authors
- By JM McNab, Jack O'Brien, Brett Rader, Carmen Angelica
- Published
25 Bizarrely Specific Things Movies Get Wrong About Reality
It's not something that you consciously notice, but movies speak to us in a secret language.
- Authors
- By Soren Bowie, Daniel O'Brien, Carmen Angelica, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Time To Face The Hard Truth: Parties Suck As You Get Older
I don't know if you've noticed, but as you grow up, parties get less fun.
- Authors
- By Carmen Angelica
- Published
Why Movies Teach Men Horrible Lessons About Sex
You know how when you watch and old movie and there's a Y2K joke or a WAZZZZUUUP and you think, man, this hasn't aged well.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin, Carmen Angelica, Katy Stoll
- Published
9 Horror Movies You Won’t Believe Actually Happened
Last Halloween we spooked you with a melange of real-life horror stories that had little explanation.
- Authors
- By Carmen Angelica, Jack O'Brien, Nick Mundy, J.F. Sargent
- Published
7 True Stories That Should’ve Already Been Made Into Movies
Ahh September, the leaves are changing into autumnal shades of yellow, red and orange, the air has a chilly bite, and movie theaters are being inundated with 'Based on a True Story' Oscar-bait.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Alex Schmidt, Carmen Angelica, Michael Swaim, Tom Reimann
- Published
6 Amazing Badasses History Books Don't Tell You About
Two years ago we told you the tales of some of the most badass people lost to the annals of history.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Alex Schmidt, Carmen Angelica, Tom Reimann, Jack O'Brien, J.F. Sargent
- Published
Why Cats And Dogs Are Way More Interesting Than You Think
Ever since we started letting friendly wolves and tiny tigers into our homes a few thousand years ago, society has been split into two camps: dog people and cat people.
- Authors
- By Carmen Angelica, Alex Schmidt, Daniel O'Brien, Cody Johnston, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Why The English Siri Had It 4 Times Worse Than The Others
A short list of completely ridiculous things we put up with as English speakers:
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Carmen Angelica, Daniel O'Brien, Alex Schmidt
- Published