Teresa Lee
Teresa produces videos for Cracked. She enjoys internet validation. You can follow her on Twitter here: @leresatee
Best Episode Ever: Adventure Time
In 2010, Cartoon Network released Adventure Time, a show that would capture the imaginations of children and adult stoners alike.
- Authors
- By Brett Rader, Teresa Lee, Carmen Angelica
- Published
Cracked Movie Club: Zero Dark Thirty
Kathryn Bigelow month continues on Cracked Movie Club!
- Authors
- By Tom Reimann, Teresa Lee, Abe Epperson
- Published
Simple Concepts Humans Developed Surprisingly Recently
Nowadays, there's a huge emphasis on eating natural foods.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien, Teresa Lee
- Published
5 Ways The MRA Indoctrinates New Members With Cult Tactics
The Red Pill's existence is like a studded butt plug that everyone has to share. So how exactly is it a cult?
- Authors
- By Teresa Lee
- Published
Why Your Ancient Ancestors Had Better Sex Than You
When you think about ancient human history, you probably think about sex, right?
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim, Teresa Lee
- Published
Mistakes That Created The Best Art Of The Last 100 Years
It's easy to think every piece of great art or unforgettable pop-culture is the result of effortless genius and precise intentionality.
- Authors
- By Teresa Lee, Jack O'Brien, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Dear White Friends: Stop Saying Everything Is Going To Be Ok
I'm tired of hearing you tell me that everything is going to be okay, because the implications of this election are different for you than for everyone else.
- Authors
- By Teresa Lee
- Published
Why A New Civil War Will Be Fought By A Thousand Sides
Our way of life here is about nine meals away from anarchy.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Teresa Lee, Robert Evans
- Published
8 Reasons My Therapist Wants Greg (And Can't Have Him)
Jane asks me a lot of questions about the boys I date ... especially Greg. And she's extremely disapproving. Like overly disapproving.
- Authors
- By Teresa Lee
- Published